Essentious Hydrate Conditioner is What Your Thirsty Hair Needs!
Hey Loves,
I have been so tired lately. For some reason Lil man keeps waking up every two hours like he's a newborn. It's driving me crazy. I didn't want to do that whole letting baby cry himself to sleep thing but honestly if i want to stay sane, I'm going to have to do it. When he decides to sleep during the day, I'm very busywatching TV doing housework so I can't sleep when he I'll let you know how letting him cry works out, but for now, let's talk beauty.
I recently was sent over some conditioner from a company called Essentious. The conditioner is from their Hydrate line. I'd never heard of this company, but I love trying independent brands. Some of the best products I've tried have been from smaller brands. Maybe it's because since their smaller, they pay more attention to detail and ingredients. Now, I was really drawn to their description "Natural and Organic Ingredients For Healthy Hair." Also their products DO NOT contain sulfates, mineral oils, parabens, silicones, or petroleum. Although I don't always use 100% natural products on Linette (name I gave for my hair) I do try to use products that are as natural as possible so I liked that they excluded a lot of useless ingredients from their product. Here are a few things I'll say about this conditioner. It's nice and thick and could easily be used as a deep conditioner, It contains Aloe Juice, Coconut Oil, Honey, Jojoba oil etc. I mean, we're talking some amazing ingredients. And this conditioner is no joke. I applied about a quarter amount and began working it through Linette. Immediately I noticed, it was really detangling and Linette felt so soft and smooth. After I styled her, she also looked INSANELY shiny. But, one of the best things about this conditioner- it smells like a CHERRY STARBUST!!! Yummmmmmmmmm! I have 3 cavities, due to my addiction to Starburst in high school. Although I haven't craved a Starburst since HS, this conditioner really made me want to run to the corner store and buy three packs. Mr. Milly couldn't stop smelling my hair. As you can see from the pic of the conditioner, I've used it a few times. I actually have it on Linette right now as a deep conditioner. After I finish rollersetting and drying Linette, today I'll take an after pic.
I really do love this conditioner!
For more info on essentious visit here
How are you girls?
I haven't been really out since the snowstorm. Since I have to go out with a stroller, it's not that easy to move around. So yesterday I stayed home and created some home-made facials for my skin. Today I plan to venture out though and explore. Hopefully I won't trip and fall. It seems like every snow storm, I trip and fall, and I ALWAYS trip in front of large crowds who laugh at me. Oh well, I'll update you girls tomorrow.
I have been so tired lately. For some reason Lil man keeps waking up every two hours like he's a newborn. It's driving me crazy. I didn't want to do that whole letting baby cry himself to sleep thing but honestly if i want to stay sane, I'm going to have to do it. When he decides to sleep during the day, I'm very busy
I recently was sent over some conditioner from a company called Essentious. The conditioner is from their Hydrate line. I'd never heard of this company, but I love trying independent brands. Some of the best products I've tried have been from smaller brands. Maybe it's because since their smaller, they pay more attention to detail and ingredients. Now, I was really drawn to their description "Natural and Organic Ingredients For Healthy Hair." Also their products DO NOT contain sulfates, mineral oils, parabens, silicones, or petroleum. Although I don't always use 100% natural products on Linette (name I gave for my hair) I do try to use products that are as natural as possible so I liked that they excluded a lot of useless ingredients from their product. Here are a few things I'll say about this conditioner. It's nice and thick and could easily be used as a deep conditioner, It contains Aloe Juice, Coconut Oil, Honey, Jojoba oil etc. I mean, we're talking some amazing ingredients. And this conditioner is no joke. I applied about a quarter amount and began working it through Linette. Immediately I noticed, it was really detangling and Linette felt so soft and smooth. After I styled her, she also looked INSANELY shiny. But, one of the best things about this conditioner- it smells like a CHERRY STARBUST!!! Yummmmmmmmmm! I have 3 cavities, due to my addiction to Starburst in high school. Although I haven't craved a Starburst since HS, this conditioner really made me want to run to the corner store and buy three packs. Mr. Milly couldn't stop smelling my hair. As you can see from the pic of the conditioner, I've used it a few times. I actually have it on Linette right now as a deep conditioner. After I finish rollersetting and drying Linette, today I'll take an after pic.
I really do love this conditioner!
For more info on essentious visit here
How are you girls?
I haven't been really out since the snowstorm. Since I have to go out with a stroller, it's not that easy to move around. So yesterday I stayed home and created some home-made facials for my skin. Today I plan to venture out though and explore. Hopefully I won't trip and fall. It seems like every snow storm, I trip and fall, and I ALWAYS trip in front of large crowds who laugh at me. Oh well, I'll update you girls tomorrow.
Hydrating Masque, NYC Blizzard and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Hey girls,
This morning I walked out of my apartment to see this:
The snow literally was taller than me. Last night, I was walking around the city before the blizzard really hit. I was headed to this restaurant in the city called Calle Ocho (delish Cuban Sandwiches). Although the city looked beautiful, it was FREEZING cold. I mean Freezing. When the weather is that frigid, I can expect my skin to get ridiculously dry, to the point where my face can hardy move. Excessive dry skin leads to aging, and you girls know my goal in life besides being the next Oprah is to stay looking 21 forever! It's always a good idea besides using a moisturizer to make sure you've got hydrating masques on hand. So as soon as I got home, I whipped out my Borghese Fango Restorativo Hydrating Mud Mask. I liked this for a few reasons:
Borghese signature ingredient is their Acqua Di Viti Complex. The complex is found in the mineral waters and volcanic mud of Tuscany. It contains ingredients like magnesium, sulfur, potassium, sodium chloride, bromide and other nutrients for the skin. Borghese claims that there was a study done that showed when the Aqua Di Viti Complex is applied to the skin, the body released endorphins, and people's mood improved. That really intrigued me. So this masque not only moisturizes the skin, but it's an anti-depressant too. I was sold! The masque is a very thick consistency. It's a light green color. The scent of this is peppermint mixed with lavender and when applied, it's very cooling on the skin. I left this on for a good 15 minutes, although it says to only leave on for 5-7 minutes. (I was engrossed in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and couldn't step away from the TV.) Anyway, after I took this masque off, my skin felt so hydrated and soft and I think I was laughing a little more too! (Or maybe that's just because the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is hilarious. Did you guys see the episode with that psychic? Is Camille nuts or is it just me?) All in all, I'm digging this! HOWEVER, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't use it, due to the paraben content. I tried not to even look at parabens when I was pregnant.
Some other hydrating masques are Arbonne's Hydrating Mask which I love and reviewed here .
And another one is Nuskin's which contains Saccharide Isomarate, a moisture magnet that binds moisture to the skin to reduce dryness.
What hydrating masque do you use?
Are you trying to stay looking 21 forever?
Have you been watching Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls?
Did you see the episode with the psychic? What were your thoughts? I'm thinking if she's such a "psychic" why didn't she reveal to Camille that Kelsey Grammer was going to leave her for a Jet Blue flight attendant?
Some of these products were provided by pr for editorial consideration. However, that in no way determined my review of the product.
This morning I walked out of my apartment to see this:
The snow literally was taller than me. Last night, I was walking around the city before the blizzard really hit. I was headed to this restaurant in the city called Calle Ocho (delish Cuban Sandwiches). Although the city looked beautiful, it was FREEZING cold. I mean Freezing. When the weather is that frigid, I can expect my skin to get ridiculously dry, to the point where my face can hardy move. Excessive dry skin leads to aging, and you girls know my goal in life besides being the next Oprah is to stay looking 21 forever! It's always a good idea besides using a moisturizer to make sure you've got hydrating masques on hand. So as soon as I got home, I whipped out my Borghese Fango Restorativo Hydrating Mud Mask. I liked this for a few reasons:
Borghese signature ingredient is their Acqua Di Viti Complex. The complex is found in the mineral waters and volcanic mud of Tuscany. It contains ingredients like magnesium, sulfur, potassium, sodium chloride, bromide and other nutrients for the skin. Borghese claims that there was a study done that showed when the Aqua Di Viti Complex is applied to the skin, the body released endorphins, and people's mood improved. That really intrigued me. So this masque not only moisturizes the skin, but it's an anti-depressant too. I was sold! The masque is a very thick consistency. It's a light green color. The scent of this is peppermint mixed with lavender and when applied, it's very cooling on the skin. I left this on for a good 15 minutes, although it says to only leave on for 5-7 minutes. (I was engrossed in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and couldn't step away from the TV.) Anyway, after I took this masque off, my skin felt so hydrated and soft and I think I was laughing a little more too! (Or maybe that's just because the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is hilarious. Did you guys see the episode with that psychic? Is Camille nuts or is it just me?) All in all, I'm digging this! HOWEVER, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't use it, due to the paraben content. I tried not to even look at parabens when I was pregnant.
Some other hydrating masques are Arbonne's Hydrating Mask which I love and reviewed here .
And another one is Nuskin's which contains Saccharide Isomarate, a moisture magnet that binds moisture to the skin to reduce dryness.
What hydrating masque do you use?
Are you trying to stay looking 21 forever?
Have you been watching Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls?
Did you see the episode with the psychic? What were your thoughts? I'm thinking if she's such a "psychic" why didn't she reveal to Camille that Kelsey Grammer was going to leave her for a Jet Blue flight attendant?
Some of these products were provided by pr for editorial consideration. However, that in no way determined my review of the product.
Merry Christmas From Beautyogic
Hey Loves,
We want to start this off by saying each and every one of you girls./guys is amazing. You're unique, you've got your own special path, and you're fabulous. Thanks for reading us. We know there are millions of blogs, and the fact that you girls chose to read us, is greatly appreciated.
As many of you know our co-editor Cassie recently went to Rwanda for her Kap 2010 organization and an organization called Camp Glow which works with African young girls in the hopes of teaching them how to build their self esteem. Cassie will give us the deets on what happened, and how she felt soon but I wanted to share the video now because I feel this is exactly what Christmas is about. It's about giving and helping others!! Here's Cassie giving these young African girls acting lessons:
Cassie Freeman from cassie freeman on Vimeo.
Merry Christmas
Hugs & Love
Milly & Cassie
We want to start this off by saying each and every one of you girls./guys is amazing. You're unique, you've got your own special path, and you're fabulous. Thanks for reading us. We know there are millions of blogs, and the fact that you girls chose to read us, is greatly appreciated.
As many of you know our co-editor Cassie recently went to Rwanda for her Kap 2010 organization and an organization called Camp Glow which works with African young girls in the hopes of teaching them how to build their self esteem. Cassie will give us the deets on what happened, and how she felt soon but I wanted to share the video now because I feel this is exactly what Christmas is about. It's about giving and helping others!! Here's Cassie giving these young African girls acting lessons:
Cassie Freeman from cassie freeman on Vimeo.
Merry Christmas
Hugs & Love
Milly & Cassie
Excuse Our Appearance
We're updating our new blog design. I'd like to thank the amazing BloggerBoutique for helping us with this due to my old blog designer being MIA.
We'll be looking great shortly.
We'll be looking great shortly.
Smashbox Step-by-Step Contour Kit
I am absolutely obsessed with Smashbox Step by Step Contour Kit for a few reasons. Growing up, every time people would meet my mother and I they would often say two things to me: 1)Wow, I can't believe that's your mom, she looks young enough to be your sister or 2) You guys look so much alike, you could be twins but your nose is way bigger. Can you believe people would say that ? I didn't mind them saying my mom looked young enough to be my sister. My mom is proof to me that if you eat right, take vitamins and supplements, you will look and feel incredibly young (mommy has been vegan for years and she looks amazing) but can you believe that since I was a kid, I've had to hear that the only difference between my mom and I, is my nose is way bigger than hers. Can we talk about the complex that gave me? My nose is probably the feature I was most insecure about during my teens. But see that's where the beauty of makeup comes along because makeup can transform those features you don't love into the features you've dreamed about without spending thousands of dollars on surgery. Contouring is one of the best things about makeup in my opinion. I've been contouring my nose and cheeks forever so I've become pretty good at it. Although funny story, one of the first times I ever contoured, I didn't know too much about makeup and didn't know how to blend well. So I basically had very visible brown lines on my nose and cheeks-kind of like this:
I walked around like that for a few hours. A lot of people were staring at me and giving me the eye, but I assumed that they thought I just looked pretty with my new contoured nose and cheeks. Turns out the joke was on me, and when I met up with girlfriend the first thing she asked me was why i had dirty brown lines all over my face! Very Embarrassing! So remember when you contour, blending is KEY!
I wish back then, Smashbox would have had their Step by Step Contour kit around. Not only does it contain a contour shade (darkest shade) a bronzer shade, a highlight shade, but it also contains the contour brush, and 2 tutorials with pics on how and where to contour and highlight your face to bring out or recede your features.
Not everyone can pick up a dark matte powder and know where and how to contour. This step by step guide (along with diagrams) along with a brush and three shades for $45.00, is great.
Here's me all contoured and highlighted up! .
What do you use to contour/highlight?
Do you contour and highight?
Product provided for review.
The Importance of Cleaning Your Brushes
The last few months, one of my girlfriends had been complaining to me that her skin had been breaking out big time. I kept recommending solutions but nothing was alleviating her condition. Finally I asked her to come over. No I'm not a dermatologist but I am someone who reads constantly on skin and hair health. Its an obsession! So usually my girls come to me if they are having a skin or hair issue. Anyway, she came over about two weeks ago, and just from looking at her face, I could clearly tell the problem. Her breakouts were mostly concentrated on her cheek area and her jaw area, places where she used makeup brushes. So here's how our conversation went:
Me: hey, when's the last time you washed your makeup brushes?
Her: hmm, I don't even remember
Me: What?
Her: yea i think it's been like a year or so.
Me: Well there's your problem, wash your brushes and those breakouts will be cleared.
Her: eh I don't know, I've been breaking out for some time
Me: Just do it.
I make it a habit to wash my brushes at least once a week. My skin is ridiculously sensitive and anything will cause me to break out. That kind of pisses me off though! (Both my brother and sister could apply Crisco Oil, Vegetable oil, and car grease on their face and they don't break out at all!) But anway, washing your brushes is very important. Long story short, my girlfriend called me yesterday. She washed her brushes on that day, and washed them the next week, and her face has 80% cleared. Wash your brushes people! If your face is breaking out, and you've tried everything, it could be because of dirty brushes. The legendary Sam Fine uses Dawn soap to wash his brushes, and I do the same. There's no need to buy an expensive brush cleaner.
How frequently do you wash your brushes?
What do you use to wash them?
Today's a bit of a crazy day for me, I'm actually writing about something that I learned yesterday, and also, writing my fave products of 2010. That should be up later this week. But as for today, I'm bringing back some old posts if you're new to the site.
Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone-You Have Your Own Journey!
People Will Only Treat You The Way You Allow Them To!
Always Take Care of Yourself No Matter What
How I made My Hair Grow
The Scent That Makes a Man Go Wild
Vitamins For Your Beauty
I will be back tom or later on today.
Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone-You Have Your Own Journey!
People Will Only Treat You The Way You Allow Them To!
Always Take Care of Yourself No Matter What
How I made My Hair Grow
The Scent That Makes a Man Go Wild
Vitamins For Your Beauty
I will be back tom or later on today.
Winner of Joico Iron
chosen by is Lavendar.
Lavendar, you got 2 days to get back to me, or i'll have to give this to someone else.
Lavendar, you got 2 days to get back to me, or i'll have to give this to someone else.
I'll be honest, ever since my hair got wet and gross due to the rain on Sunday, I had no desire to fix it. Maybe it's the hormones (still breast feeding) or the fact that I haven't been sleeping at all lately, but this week, Linette (name for my hair) was the last thing on my mind. After a few days of messy hair, Mr. Milly was giving me the side eye, but he wouldn't dare say anything, and it was only after Lil Man gave me a pep talk that I realized it was time to do my hair.
I was in shock! Lil man noticed my hair looking a mess. (And it was shocking that he spoke too. )So I took out my Joico's K-Pak Reconstrx Vapor Iron. I had heard amazing things about this iron and never tried it because honestly I usually hate flat irons. I find that they leave massive cowlicks and no shine.
However, this iron was a totally different animal. It's loaded with a conditioning liquid called Vapor Fuel. While you iron your hair, it's getting infused with Vapor Fuel's exclusive blend of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, botanical moisturizers. I washed my hair and air dried it. I then filled the iron with the conditioning vapor fuel liquid, turned it on sectioned off my hair and began making waves with the iron. (I never flat iron my hair straight. When my hair is too straight it makes my head look enormous.) The first thing I noticed after ironing one section,was my hair was GLEAMING! I could not believe how shiny and silky my hair felt. It was incredible. Since my hair is very thick, usually I have to pass the iron over it about three times before I see results, but not with this one, I only passed it once, and wow, my waves looked amazing. As I was ironing, I heard the vapor sounds letting me know that my hair was getting deeply conditioned. Here's how my hair looked after I ironed it: It was beautiful!
Even Lil Man approved:
This iron is a must have. Within 30 minutes Linette (name for my hair) was looking stunning! I still can't get over the shine. Get this: Last night, I slept on a cotton pillow (instead of my silk pillow) and my hair is still looking so shiny and healthy this morning. I'm obsessed with this iron and I want you to be obsessed with this iron too.
For our last giveaway of the year Joice has donated a K-PAK RECONSTRX Vapor Iron for us to give away.
This is amazing!! I can't get over how much I am loving this product.
Here's two chances to win:
1) Leave a comment here about anything. Maybe you want to tell me something interesting about you, or maybe give me a list of your must read blogs (I love discovering other blogs.) My all time fave is Or just tell me ANYTHING! Winner gets announced on Monday.
2)For an Extra Entry Follow me @beautylogicblog and my co-editor @cassiefree on twitter and tweet this I'm entering @beautylogicblog Joice Vapor Iron Giveaway! then leave a comment here letting me know you did that.
Thanks to Joico for giving us this iron to giveaway.
Winner will get announced on Monday.
Hugs & Have a good Weekend!
I was in shock! Lil man noticed my hair looking a mess. (And it was shocking that he spoke too. )So I took out my Joico's K-Pak Reconstrx Vapor Iron. I had heard amazing things about this iron and never tried it because honestly I usually hate flat irons. I find that they leave massive cowlicks and no shine.
However, this iron was a totally different animal. It's loaded with a conditioning liquid called Vapor Fuel. While you iron your hair, it's getting infused with Vapor Fuel's exclusive blend of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, botanical moisturizers. I washed my hair and air dried it. I then filled the iron with the conditioning vapor fuel liquid, turned it on sectioned off my hair and began making waves with the iron. (I never flat iron my hair straight. When my hair is too straight it makes my head look enormous.) The first thing I noticed after ironing one section,was my hair was GLEAMING! I could not believe how shiny and silky my hair felt. It was incredible. Since my hair is very thick, usually I have to pass the iron over it about three times before I see results, but not with this one, I only passed it once, and wow, my waves looked amazing. As I was ironing, I heard the vapor sounds letting me know that my hair was getting deeply conditioned. Here's how my hair looked after I ironed it: It was beautiful!
Even Lil Man approved:
This iron is a must have. Within 30 minutes Linette (name for my hair) was looking stunning! I still can't get over the shine. Get this: Last night, I slept on a cotton pillow (instead of my silk pillow) and my hair is still looking so shiny and healthy this morning. I'm obsessed with this iron and I want you to be obsessed with this iron too.
For our last giveaway of the year Joice has donated a K-PAK RECONSTRX Vapor Iron for us to give away.
This is amazing!! I can't get over how much I am loving this product.
Here's two chances to win:
1) Leave a comment here about anything. Maybe you want to tell me something interesting about you, or maybe give me a list of your must read blogs (I love discovering other blogs.) My all time fave is Or just tell me ANYTHING! Winner gets announced on Monday.
2)For an Extra Entry Follow me @beautylogicblog and my co-editor @cassiefree on twitter and tweet this I'm entering @beautylogicblog Joice Vapor Iron Giveaway! then leave a comment here letting me know you did that.
Thanks to Joico for giving us this iron to giveaway.
Winner will get announced on Monday.
Hugs & Have a good Weekend!
Team Beauty Get Your Own Product Line!!
Hey girls as I told you before I'm really passionate about this!
One lucky lady could win their own product line.
All you have to do is to submit a video entry!
Check out the details on the youtube of these two gorgeous women here
You can begin entering this tomorrow.
Please tweet #teambeauty and help us spread the word if you enter!
Vitamins For Beauty!
This year I had the great pleasure of interviewing Dr. Murad. If you’re not familiar with him he discovered the benefits of Alpha Hydroxy Acid, his skincare products are sold all over the world, and he’s one of the top dermatologists on earth. Because I work in the news business at my day job, I have met many "so called" famous docs, but none of them has struck me to be as wonderful as Dr. Murad. The guy’s energy is unbelievable. Now here’s a Doctor who sells skincare products but when we met, he told me right away "topical products will only help you 20%, 80% of your skin and hair health comes from internal consumption." As you girls know, I’m a vitamin nut! (I'm trying to stay looking 21 forever!) Here are some vitamins that I take for my skin and hair, and reasons why I take them:
Borage oil (I mix this in my smoothie every morning) Dr. Murad recommended this for amazing skin and I’ve been taking it even before his rec. It contains a very high amount of gamma lineloic acid which is an essential fatty acid that is known for it’s skin and hair benefits. If you suffer from dry hair and skin this is a must have. I guarantee you will see the difference.
Glucosamine-there was a study done in 2006 by some huge Dermatology institute that shows that Glucosamine not only helps wounds heal faster but fights wrinkles, and helps heal sun damage. Dr. Murad also told me that he noticed that people that took Glucosamine had healthier skin than people who didn't.
B-Complex –Promotes scalp circulation and hair growth.
Protein Shake-Your hair is protein. If you are deficient in it, guess what, your hair will not grow. I love Garden of Earth Raw Protein. It taste good and is loaded with protein.It's an essential part of my morning smoothie
Lecithin (another Dr Murad rec) so important for maintaining healthy skin and hair growth. It’s also fantastic for memory loss. It’s loaded with b-vitamins.
Zinc -Do you ever get those white spots on your nails? That’s because you’re deficient in zinc. Zinc is very important because it’s responsible for cell production, and tissue repair and it produces the oil secreting gland in your hair. However, too much zinc isn’t good either. I do about 10 mg a day.
MSM-This is sulfur which builds healthy collagen and keratin. This is essential for great hair and skin.
Beta Carotene –the body converts this into vitamin a and vitamin a renews cells which is essential for hair growth and skin health.
There are times when I forget to take these vitamins and I really do see/feel a difference. My skin will start getting dryer. My hair will not look that amazing. These are so important. Also make sure to drink water, try not to stress too much and get at least seven hours of sleep. (Unfortunately, I haven't had seven hours of sleep in months.)
Do you take any vitamins for your hair skin?
If so, please share with everyone else.
All of these vitamins mentioned can be bought at Vitacost.
Lil man is still writing his 6 month post. That might be up later today or tomorrow with a baby giveaway.
New Beauty Giveaway Tomorrow
Cassie is giving us an update on what shes doing in Rwanda!
New Beauty Giveaway Tomorrow
Cassie is giving us an update on what shes doing in Rwanda!
Please note: I am not a Doctor, this is just what I take to look 21 forever, so take at your own risk.
JK Jemma Kidd Catwalk I-Kit & New Clarins Holiday Palette Winner & Milly's Matches!
Although I do love bright eyeshadow colors of greens, and blues, you'll usually find me with neutral colored eyes. It's just my preference. When I first got my hands on the Jemma Kid Catwalk I-Kit, I loved it. I knew I could use pretty use much every part of this palette for a few different neutral eye looks. I won't deny that a few of these colors resemble MACS, but it's all good. And for the price -26 bucks, this isn't bad at all.
From left to right: I-Design Eye Color Editor, I-Design Eye Color Vintage, I-Design Eye Color Vanity Fair, I-Design Eye Color In Season, Exclusive Shadow Aubergine Shimmer and Exclusive Shadow/Liner Black
Here's what the palette contains:
1) Eye prep and primer to neutralize the skin around the eye area and prep the skin for eye make up
2) Two highlight shadows (I actually mixed the highlight shadows up and put it on my lid. Created a very pretty golden effect. )
3) Five Ultra-wearable mid and define shadows in pearl and matte finishes
4) One wet/dry shadow and liner.
Here's a look created with the shadow yesterday. Warning: My eyebrows look a hot mess. I'm trying to grow them. I'm tired of these thin eyebrows that I got last year when I allowed a beautician who had just found out her husband was messing around to do my brows. (Yes that's the excuse she gave me when I went psycho on her for making them so thin.) So don't judge me for my brows.
The shadows do require a bit of packing on, but honestly, it's not bad at all I would highly recommend this palette especially if you're a neutral eye girl color like me.
Random thought: I'm thinking of becoming a matchmaker on the side. I've set up five couples, three of them are now either married or engaged and two of them are still in relationships. Just a thought....
Also, Socialite dreams did not claim her Clarins Palette so the new winner is Nour. Nour send me your deets asap.
What are your thoughts on this palette?
What do you think of me as a matchmaker? I'd call it Milly's Matches.... yay or nay?
Would you allow me to set you up?
Lil Man is writing his 6 moth birthday update, so that may be up later on today or tomorrow. He's a slow typer.
From left to right: I-Design Eye Color Editor, I-Design Eye Color Vintage, I-Design Eye Color Vanity Fair, I-Design Eye Color In Season, Exclusive Shadow Aubergine Shimmer and Exclusive Shadow/Liner Black
Here's what the palette contains:
1) Eye prep and primer to neutralize the skin around the eye area and prep the skin for eye make up
2) Two highlight shadows (I actually mixed the highlight shadows up and put it on my lid. Created a very pretty golden effect. )
3) Five Ultra-wearable mid and define shadows in pearl and matte finishes
4) One wet/dry shadow and liner.
Here's a look created with the shadow yesterday. Warning: My eyebrows look a hot mess. I'm trying to grow them. I'm tired of these thin eyebrows that I got last year when I allowed a beautician who had just found out her husband was messing around to do my brows. (Yes that's the excuse she gave me when I went psycho on her for making them so thin.) So don't judge me for my brows.
The shadows do require a bit of packing on, but honestly, it's not bad at all I would highly recommend this palette especially if you're a neutral eye girl color like me.
Random thought: I'm thinking of becoming a matchmaker on the side. I've set up five couples, three of them are now either married or engaged and two of them are still in relationships. Just a thought....
Also, Socialite dreams did not claim her Clarins Palette so the new winner is Nour. Nour send me your deets asap.
What are your thoughts on this palette?
What do you think of me as a matchmaker? I'd call it Milly's Matches.... yay or nay?
Would you allow me to set you up?
Lil Man is writing his 6 moth birthday update, so that may be up later on today or tomorrow. He's a slow typer.
BeautyLogic Holiday Gift Guide
Hey sugar plums, here's BeautyLogic's annual Christmas Guide. I totally forgot to post this yesterday. Sorry! Cassie and I are both last minute shoppers so that's why it's also so late. Our Christmas guide is based on what we would love someone to put under our own Christmas tree. lol, here ya go!
Smashbox Wish For The Perfect Palette
One of our favorite palette for the season. $59.00 at Ulta $260.00 value
It's so different and pretty.
A Hand Written LETTER
Smashbox Wish For The Perfect Palette
One of our favorite palette for the season. $59.00 at Ulta $260.00 value
49 Eye Shadows
10 Cream Eye Liners
6 Brow Powders
1 Brow Wax
8 Lip Glosses
2 Blush
1 Bronzer
1 Highlighter
4 Mini Brushes – Eye Shadow, Cream Eye Liner, Angled Brow & Lip
10 Cream Eye Liners
6 Brow Powders
1 Brow Wax
8 Lip Glosses
2 Blush
1 Bronzer
1 Highlighter
4 Mini Brushes – Eye Shadow, Cream Eye Liner, Angled Brow & Lip
Contains 10 of Sephora's hottest mascaras and Tarte Eyelash curler! We're mascara nuts so this is a dream gift.
Oleh Henriksen Truth Revealed Starter Kit $20.00
Elevate your skin to a new level of perfection with the truth revealed kit. Apply the truth serum™ collagen booster to elevate the performance of truth revealed™ super crème for maximum firming, toning and hydration benefits. This duo is ideal to combat damage from environmental aggressors and protect your skin from pre-mature aging. 2 piece kit / $20 (for starter kit) $75 (for deluxe)
Laura Mercier Travel Brush Set $85.00
Oleh Henriksen Truth Revealed Starter Kit $20.00
Elevate your skin to a new level of perfection with the truth revealed kit. Apply the truth serum™ collagen booster to elevate the performance of truth revealed™ super crème for maximum firming, toning and hydration benefits. This duo is ideal to combat damage from environmental aggressors and protect your skin from pre-mature aging. 2 piece kit / $20 (for starter kit) $75 (for deluxe)
Laura Mercier Travel Brush Set $85.00
The Travel Brush Set contains the following brushes:
- Double-ended Secret Camouflage/Camouflage Powder Brush
- Double-ended Flat Eyeliner/Smudge Brush
- Double-ended Brow Definer/Brow Grooming Brush
- Double-ended All over Eye Colour/Pony Tail
- Full-size Finishing Brush
- Double-ended Secret Camouflage/Camouflage Powder Brush
- Double-ended Flat Eyeliner/Smudge Brush
- Double-ended Brow Definer/Brow Grooming Brush
- Double-ended All over Eye Colour/Pony Tail
- Full-size Finishing Brush
Hands down I am obsessed with my Clarisonic and really credit it for fixing my skin during pregnancy.
Contains cleansing facial oil 100ml | hydrating water 100ml | miracle mask 0.5fl/oz
Cleansing Facial Oil - Effortless cleansing for perfect skin. This award winning cleanser e ectively removes the most stubborn make-up, including smokey eyes, and leaves skin incredibly soft and nourished.
Hydrating Water - A deliciously scented mist to revive dehydrated skin. Use as a toner after cleansing, mist to set make-up, and re-apply through the day to quench skin and plump the complexion.
Miracle Mask - The essential treatment for a flawless complexion. Milk AHA’s exfoliate and red ginseng stimulates micro-circulation for incredibly smooth, glowing skin.
A gift card to Sephora or to Apothica or ANYWHERE!!
We hate when people say that giftcards aren't personal. Please! We love Gift Cards. And a gift card to Sephora or Apothica (they carry a lot of natural brands that Sephora doesn't) would make our day!!
We hate when people say that giftcards aren't personal. Please! We love Gift Cards. And a gift card to Sephora or Apothica (they carry a lot of natural brands that Sephora doesn't) would make our day!!
This book intrigues us. It's exclusively available at Macys!
Rebecca Minkoff Stevie Snake-Embossed Leather Sleeve for Iphone $55.00
Rebecca Minkoff Stevie Snake-Embossed Leather Sleeve for Iphone $55.00
EXCLUSIVELY AT SAKS /Snake-embossed detailing and elegant studs add extra charm to this leather case designed to protect your iphone. Comes in an exclusive signature box. |
A Hand Written LETTER
Last year a good girlfriend of mine who lost her job didn't have money to buy gifts so she gave everyone a letter. When I'm in a sad mood, I open that letter again and smile. There is nothing like a honest beautiful letter about how someone feels about you. It's one of the best gifts you can give.
Decleor Arommessence Ylang Ylang Purifying Serum & Winner of Clarins Holiday Palette!
I just realized last week that I hadn’t reviewed this product, but I’'d used this a lot during the summer months. It’s the Decleor Arommessence Ylang Ylang Purifying serum. I was a little nervous about using this at first. It’s an oil, and my skin is combination/sensitive, but when I saw that it was specifically targeted for skin like mine, I decided to give it a whirl What a treat!
First of all, I find that the scent of this is really soothing to me. It’s almost lavender like, just a strong therapeutic CALMING scent. A girl needs a scent like that when she’s up all night with a screaming baby. The ingredients are the essential oils of Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Rosemary and St Thomas Bay. I only apply two drops and then I give myself a facial massage. (Facial massages are great for anti-aging!) I then wait for it to dry and then apply my moisturizer. This sinks right into the skin and after application my skin feels so smooth, and soft, no break outs or irritation at all. Decleor says this regulates the sebum in your skin and it's true. My face has a lot less shine when using this During the summer, my skin is one big oil slick, but when I used this before my moisturizer, I found my face to be a lot less greasy. Now since it's winter, and cold, my skin is on the dryer side so I tend to only use this at night before my moisturizer. Another great thing about this product, it seems to last forever, I've used this for months and I still have a lot of product left (as you can see).
Loving this big time!
Loving this big time!
Have you tried Decleor products?
What were your thoughts?
Winner of Clarins Palette is Socialite Dreams. Please email me within two days or we'll have to give this to someone else. If you didn't win, there's a giveaway going on this Friday.
New Motives Model Search
Hey loves, I'm going to enter this, and thought maybe some of you might want to too. Don't think it's impossible. Recently Kimora Lee Simmons was looking for a model for her new skin care line, I submitted a random pic, and they contacted me back for the casting call. I couldn't believe it. So many people had submitted professional pics, and me with my random everyday pic had gotten chosen to go to the casting call. Unfortunately I couldn't make it, to LA, but hey don't ever think it can't happen because it can. I'm submitting my pic for this as we speak. Plus you girls know how I feel about Loren Ridinger. She is freaking amazing. This woman and her husband started a mutli gazillion dollar business all while being a young mother from Queens! (I'm from Queens too!) I need lessons from her asap! I recently added her to my vision board so I know we'll meet soon.
Do you have what it takes to become the next model for Motives® Cosmetics?
Loren Ridinger, creator of Motives by Loren Ridinger, announced that Motives will be holding an online search, seeking the next model for the cosmetic line. The search, which runs through December 31, will identify one woman to be featured in Motives promotional materials, print and online advertising, as well as make special live appearances on behalf of the brand.
Also, the winner will appear on stage in Miami at the 2011 Market America World Conference in February. Plus, she will receive $1,000 worth of Motives cosmetics!
A panel of judges from Motives Cosmetics will choose the winner in early January 2011. For complete entry details, please visit
So what are you waiting for? Register today and see if you have what it takes to become the next model for Motives!
Essie Winter 2010 Review
Hey loves,
I hope you enjoyed Lil man posting. He' a trip. Anyway, let's head towards beauty again. I actually got 4 hours of sleep last night so I'm feeling a little better. Let's talk Essie's new winter line. Now Essie is one of my favorite nail polish companies and I'm always excited about their collections. However, this winter line didn't do it for me as much as their past collections have. Although the colors were indeed Essie quality, incredibly pigmented, fast drying, long lasting, the colors didn't really wow me. A few of them reminded me of past collections. But lets get reviewing. Click on pics to enlarge:
Essie Luxedo -a plum brown reminded me a lot of Falls Velvet Voyeur
Essie Silken Cord- A bright beautiful red-you know how much I love my reds
Essie Masquerade Bell-another brownish plum color
Essie Smokin Hot-I'm really into grays this season and like this. It's more of a purple dark Gray. But in certain lights it looks brown.
Essie Hot coco-Definitely a light brown. I actually don't mind this color as well
Essie-Going Incognito-There is nothing like a green to make me happy. I love this gorgeous emerald green. So pretty
Essie I've loved you for years. And like many relationships in life there are good moments and bad moments. This isn't one of our best moments. However, I'm sure you'll be bringing the heat for the spring. We'll be waiting.
I hope you enjoyed Lil man posting. He' a trip. Anyway, let's head towards beauty again. I actually got 4 hours of sleep last night so I'm feeling a little better. Let's talk Essie's new winter line. Now Essie is one of my favorite nail polish companies and I'm always excited about their collections. However, this winter line didn't do it for me as much as their past collections have. Although the colors were indeed Essie quality, incredibly pigmented, fast drying, long lasting, the colors didn't really wow me. A few of them reminded me of past collections. But lets get reviewing. Click on pics to enlarge:
Essie Luxedo -a plum brown reminded me a lot of Falls Velvet Voyeur
Essie Silken Cord- A bright beautiful red-you know how much I love my reds
Essie Masquerade Bell-another brownish plum color
Essie Smokin Hot-I'm really into grays this season and like this. It's more of a purple dark Gray. But in certain lights it looks brown.
Essie Hot coco-Definitely a light brown. I actually don't mind this color as well
Essie-Going Incognito-There is nothing like a green to make me happy. I love this gorgeous emerald green. So pretty
Essie I've loved you for years. And like many relationships in life there are good moments and bad moments. This isn't one of our best moments. However, I'm sure you'll be bringing the heat for the spring. We'll be waiting.
Saks POV Blog Is Here!
Last week Saks Fifth Avenue invited their top 25 bloggers to a breakfast.
To celebrate the launching of their new Saks POV Blog
We were so honored to be chosen.
I had so much fun.
I met bag designer Rebecca Minkoff.
She is not much older than I am and runs a bag empire.
We're getting an interview with her soon.
What an inspirational woman!
Love her!
I got my makeup done by a fabu Nars Master artist
And got to check out all of the new Holiday Gifts!
I will be listing my top Saks Gifts in my Holiday Gift Guide soon.
But go check out the new Saks blog.
FYI: my hair looks like hell here because it was pouring outside.
It launched yesterday and features Saks Fashion Director Colleen Sherin’s favorite NY haunts
To celebrate the launching of their new Saks POV Blog
We were so honored to be chosen.
I had so much fun.
I met bag designer Rebecca Minkoff.
She is not much older than I am and runs a bag empire.
We're getting an interview with her soon.
What an inspirational woman!
Love her!
I got my makeup done by a fabu Nars Master artist
And got to check out all of the new Holiday Gifts!
I will be listing my top Saks Gifts in my Holiday Gift Guide soon.
But go check out the new Saks blog.
FYI: my hair looks like hell here because it was pouring outside.
It launched yesterday and features Saks Fashion Director Colleen Sherin’s favorite NY haunts
Winner of Lancome VIP Box & Lessons learned
Hey lovebugs,
Thank for answering all those question
in the Lancome VIP Box Giveaway
I truly learned a lot about what you girls wanted.
You girls want more hair post.
More makeup looks,
More salon reviews
and More lil guy recommendations.
Hopefully ifhubby Santa gives me my new dslr for Christmas
I'll be able to make all that come true. lol
Anyway, winner of this weeks giveaway, chosen by is Nyeelah Simms.
Nyeelah you have got two days to get back to me, or I'll be forced to give this to someone else.
If you didn't win this week, no worries, this Friday we have another giveaway coming and every friday till Christmas so stay tuned.
Thank for answering all those question
in the Lancome VIP Box Giveaway
I truly learned a lot about what you girls wanted.
You girls want more hair post.
More makeup looks,
More salon reviews
and More lil guy recommendations.
Hopefully if
I'll be able to make all that come true. lol
Anyway, winner of this weeks giveaway, chosen by is Nyeelah Simms.
Nyeelah you have got two days to get back to me, or I'll be forced to give this to someone else.
If you didn't win this week, no worries, this Friday we have another giveaway coming and every friday till Christmas so stay tuned.
I love You La Mer Moisturizing Gel & Santa's Lap
Hey loves, how was your weekend? Mine was great. Hubby, Cassie, Cassie's honey and I headed to our good friend's holiday party. It was a lot of fun. They had a Santa that you could take a pic with, and I made hubby sit on Santa's lap with me. Here' the pic.Hubby is too shy to show his cute face.

I don't know what hubby asked Santa for, but I asked Santa for a new DSLR camera so I can take some nice clear pics because I'm going to start doing eyeshadow looks. Hopefullyhubby Santa heard me.
Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about my new obsession La Mer. Yes, I said it La Mer! A few weeks back, I tried a beauty product that left my skin.... well let me just show you.

Yes with TWO huge scabs. I was in tears. I didn't know what to do. Then I started doing some research and I found out a lot of aestheticians say that after your skin has been traumatized in any way, you should put La Mer on the problem areas. Also another great beauty blogger reached out to me and told me to put La Mer on it. She had tried that same product and the same thing had happened to her face. I had always been skeptical about La Mer. Before becoming a serious blogger, I was a huge fan of Paula Begoun's book Don't Go To The Cosmetic's Counter Without Me, and she had said some pretty harsh things about La Mer. However, after blogging for a few years, although I can appreciate Paula's book, I don't agree with a lot of her opinions. Anyway, I was lucky enough to have La Mer Moisturizing Gel samples on hand. I want you to understand that I had the scabs on my face for three days before trying La Mer and nothing was working. I began applying the La Mer at night and kept applying throughout the night. The moisturizing gel is great if you have sensitive skin because it's not rich like the cream, It still feels very hydrating but it doen't irritate your skin. It's specifically made for people whose skin can't deal with the original cream because it's too moisturizing. La Mer was created by a NASA scientist Dr. Max Huber to treat burns on the face and eyes. The next day I woke up and the scab on top was GONE and the bigger one was almost gone. I couldn't believe it. I think I did a backflip or maybe a somersault! I was so happy. Here's a pic two days after.

After that I just kept applying, reapplying, and the next day the scab was completely gone, and although I still have a very slight mark on my face, that I'm applying the LaMer on, it's not even noticeable.
I am obsessed with you LaMer. Not sure what your "miracle broth" contains but I love you. The great thing about Lamer is that all you need is a dime size amount. Although I'm continuing to use it as a moisturizer all over my face, I'm still using the same sample size that I had a week ago. I love how moisturizing the gel is on my face, and it doesn't break me out. I actually asked myself recently, " How could I have been skeptical of this product?" Around six years back, I was a seat filler at the MTV Music awards and I sat next to Jennifer Lopez. At the time, she was rumored to use La Mer all over her skin. To this day, I have never seen skin as beautiful, healthy and glowing as hers. I was super excited to be sitting next to her, but the funny thing was, I was more excited to ask her what she used on her skin. (Although we were told that if we were caught talking to the celebs, we would be escorted out so I just shut up and stared at her.) The next day I did my research and found out it was La Mer.
Now that I'm using it as a moisturizer, my skin is really glowing.
I love you La Mer.
Thank you.
I don't know what hubby asked Santa for, but I asked Santa for a new DSLR camera so I can take some nice clear pics because I'm going to start doing eyeshadow looks. Hopefully
Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about my new obsession La Mer. Yes, I said it La Mer! A few weeks back, I tried a beauty product that left my skin.... well let me just show you.
Yes with TWO huge scabs. I was in tears. I didn't know what to do. Then I started doing some research and I found out a lot of aestheticians say that after your skin has been traumatized in any way, you should put La Mer on the problem areas. Also another great beauty blogger reached out to me and told me to put La Mer on it. She had tried that same product and the same thing had happened to her face. I had always been skeptical about La Mer. Before becoming a serious blogger, I was a huge fan of Paula Begoun's book Don't Go To The Cosmetic's Counter Without Me, and she had said some pretty harsh things about La Mer. However, after blogging for a few years, although I can appreciate Paula's book, I don't agree with a lot of her opinions. Anyway, I was lucky enough to have La Mer Moisturizing Gel samples on hand. I want you to understand that I had the scabs on my face for three days before trying La Mer and nothing was working. I began applying the La Mer at night and kept applying throughout the night. The moisturizing gel is great if you have sensitive skin because it's not rich like the cream, It still feels very hydrating but it doen't irritate your skin. It's specifically made for people whose skin can't deal with the original cream because it's too moisturizing. La Mer was created by a NASA scientist Dr. Max Huber to treat burns on the face and eyes. The next day I woke up and the scab on top was GONE and the bigger one was almost gone. I couldn't believe it. I think I did a backflip or maybe a somersault! I was so happy. Here's a pic two days after.
After that I just kept applying, reapplying, and the next day the scab was completely gone, and although I still have a very slight mark on my face, that I'm applying the LaMer on, it's not even noticeable.
I am obsessed with you LaMer. Not sure what your "miracle broth" contains but I love you. The great thing about Lamer is that all you need is a dime size amount. Although I'm continuing to use it as a moisturizer all over my face, I'm still using the same sample size that I had a week ago. I love how moisturizing the gel is on my face, and it doesn't break me out. I actually asked myself recently, " How could I have been skeptical of this product?" Around six years back, I was a seat filler at the MTV Music awards and I sat next to Jennifer Lopez. At the time, she was rumored to use La Mer all over her skin. To this day, I have never seen skin as beautiful, healthy and glowing as hers. I was super excited to be sitting next to her, but the funny thing was, I was more excited to ask her what she used on her skin. (Although we were told that if we were caught talking to the celebs, we would be escorted out so I just shut up and stared at her.) The next day I did my research and found out it was La Mer.
Now that I'm using it as a moisturizer, my skin is really glowing.
I love you La Mer.
Thank you.
Team Beauty-Win Your Own Product Line
You girls know how much Cassie and I love GeorgiaNY. Not only is this salon run by two beautiful and brilliant women (both Harvard grads) but the interior is chic, the place is loaded with all the hottest and greatest products, and the service is beyond exceptional. Remember how gorgeous Cassie's hair looked after visiting Georgia?. Anyway, GeorgiaNY and Taren916 (Youtube guru) are partnering up to do something amazing. They want to givc one lucky woman a chance to make their dream come true! Have you ever dreamed of owning your business? Well Georgia/Taren916 are giving you the chance.
Here are some deets:
Team Beauty provides one grand winner with the opportunity to jump-start on her business ideas powered by Team Beauty. She will collaborate with Team Beauty to co-create a capsule line of beauty product (all expenses paid). The line will then be sold in the Nolita boutique, Georgia, and on the Georgia web site.
*Team Beauty is a contest open to the Tri-State area
*Contestants must be female and 18 years or over
*Contestants must have a business entity in existence for 2 years or less
You deserve it.
Lancome Is Making You feel Like a VIP & Giveaway
We've got a great giveaway today loves. Lancome is doing something exclusive for Beautylogic. You know how much I love Lancome. Their recent release of the Cherry Kiki Lipstick really brought out my sexy. Anyway, Lancome is giving away a VIP Box to a BeautyLogic Reader. What is a VIP Box? A VIP Box is a pink box that Lancome only sends to celebrities with all their best products. Here's the box that Lancome is giving away for beautylogic. This is loaded with over $300 worth of product.
Here's what we got!
Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate
Genifique Eye
Bi-Facil Dual Action Makeup Remover
Nutrix Body Cream
Definicils Mascara
Cils Booster Lash Primer
Color Design Lipcolor (3)
Juicy Tubes (3)
Laque Fever Lipshine (2)
Le Crayon Khol Eyeliner (3)
Color Design Eyeshadow (2)
Flash Bronzer Facial Self-Tanner
Absolue Hand Treatment SPF 15
Tresor perfume
Here's what you have to do to enter.
Just complete one of these sentences in the comments section and it's one comment. However, if you want to answer more than 1, that's great for you because each answer is a different entry. So if you complete all 4 you got 4 entries, hence more chances to win. We are using to chose the winner so please be as honest as possible.
My favorite post on beautylogic is ___________
I read beautylogic because_______
I wish beautylogic would write more about __________
I don't read beautylogic for the______________(meaning what are post that you really don't read when I write them because they don't really interest you)
Winner gets announced Tuesday.
Have a great weekend
Here's what we got!
Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate
Genifique Eye
Bi-Facil Dual Action Makeup Remover
Nutrix Body Cream
Definicils Mascara
Cils Booster Lash Primer
Color Design Lipcolor (3)
Juicy Tubes (3)
Laque Fever Lipshine (2)
Le Crayon Khol Eyeliner (3)
Color Design Eyeshadow (2)
Flash Bronzer Facial Self-Tanner
Absolue Hand Treatment SPF 15
Tresor perfume
Here's what you have to do to enter.
Just complete one of these sentences in the comments section and it's one comment. However, if you want to answer more than 1, that's great for you because each answer is a different entry. So if you complete all 4 you got 4 entries, hence more chances to win. We are using to chose the winner so please be as honest as possible.
My favorite post on beautylogic is ___________
I read beautylogic because_______
I wish beautylogic would write more about __________
I don't read beautylogic for the______________(meaning what are post that you really don't read when I write them because they don't really interest you)
Winner gets announced Tuesday.
Have a great weekend
Meet Joyce Bonelli-Kim Kardashian's Official Makeup Artist
Hey guys,
You girls know how much I love me some Kardashians. We've met Kim a few times here and just loved her. She's not only stunning, but a really sweet girl as well. I'm kind of obsessed with Keeping Up With the Kardashians too. Her family is so close, and so in love with each other. It's a beautiful thing to watch and I can't wait for Kourtney and Kim take NY on January 23!! Beautylogic got to talk with the Kardashian's wonderful makeup artist and friend Joyce Bonelli. She's giving us the deets on some of Kim's beauty secrets, and giving us some advice too. Let's talk to Joyce:
8) What are your 5 must have items in your beauty bag?
Joyce, you're wonderful. Follow Joyce on her twitter @glamsquadbts and check out her own makeup blog
Thanks again
You girls know how much I love me some Kardashians. We've met Kim a few times here and just loved her. She's not only stunning, but a really sweet girl as well. I'm kind of obsessed with Keeping Up With the Kardashians too. Her family is so close, and so in love with each other. It's a beautiful thing to watch and I can't wait for Kourtney and Kim take NY on January 23!! Beautylogic got to talk with the Kardashian's wonderful makeup artist and friend Joyce Bonelli. She's giving us the deets on some of Kim's beauty secrets, and giving us some advice too. Let's talk to Joyce:
1) How did you begin working with the Kardashians?
I actually worked with Kim on a 944 shoot almost 5 years ago. This was before Keeping Up With The Kardashians so I didn't even know who she was at the time. Weird to think there was ever that time. She was the same sweet, fabulous and gorgeous girl then as she is now. Kim is an on going inspiration to work with! We worked on numerous projects over the years together. Along with Kris Kourtney & Khloe too. And now Kendall & Kylie. I Die for their whole family!
2) How did you get into makeup?
I grew up watching the show The Munsters and that’s what made me want to do makeup.
3) What beauty product do you seem to always use on Kim time and time again?
Kim loves when I use Armani foundations on her. I often use Nars shadows too. But, I always use L’oreal’s Voluminous mascara. Kim and I die over Lumifill by Fusion Beauty.
4) What is your favorite look that you have done on Kim? What products did you use?
My most recent fave look that I did on Kim was for the Apprentice Red Carpet. We used Smashbox eyeshadow & bronzer, Benefit’s Lust Duster. Ardelle Lashes and a Revlon Lipstick.
5) What is Kim’s personal Fave beauty product?
Kim loves Lip Fusion Plumping Gloss
6) What beauty product do you think all women should own?
All women need to own a contour powder. This changes women’s lives everday. Chisel Chisel Chisel!
7) What beauty advice can you give us?
Eyebrows are everything. They frame your whole face. So wax, trim and dye as needed!
Also, pick one facial feature at a time to be your statement piece. A Heavy eye,
bright lip, or rosy cheeks. Don't over do it by going Cray Cray on all 3 at the same time.
8) What are your 5 must have items in your beauty bag?
I can NOT live without the following:
La prairie Dermo Caviar Foundation
Burberry pressed powder
Mally's Liquid Eyeliner
Lancome Hypnose Drama Mascara
And obviously my RED LIPSTICK!
(but its a secret)Joyce, you're wonderful. Follow Joyce on her twitter @glamsquadbts and check out her own makeup blog
Thanks again
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