Not sure if you guys are familiar with the title of this post. That’s from one of my favorite albums NERD-No One Ever Really Dies and it’s a song that I jog to in the morning. I try to run at least a mile or two before 8:00 am. The only thing that stops me is if it’s below 20 degrees or I’m just too lazy to get up. But usually, I try to do it at least four times a week. 

I don’t run solely for the benefit of keeping fit, although that is a great reason. I also do it because of how good running makes me feel. Even if I wake up feeling crappy, after a great run, my mood not only improves substantially, but I feel like I can take over the world.  During running, besides listening to music, I meditate, envision how great my day will be, daydream, and come up with some of my most creative ideas. I usually start the run hating everything. (Before 8:00 am and before coffee, I just don't like anyone or anything.) But by the end of my jog, I feel so good that I’m smiling at random strangers.  (Although that’s gotten me in some trouble-not a good idea to smile at a single man before 8:00am-they get ideas.) There’s something called Runners High and it’s actually a fact. According to a NY Times article " Running does elicit a flood of endorphins in the brain. The endorphins are associated with mood changes and the more endorphins a runners body pumps out, the greater the effect."
So the next time you feel down, go for a run.  Not only will your fitness improve, but you may end up feeling 100% better.

Do you Run?

Do you exercise?
What improves your mood?



Mischo Beauty said...

So true! Love it!!! #HealthySexyBeautiful2010

Nicole said...

I have been running since I could tye my shoes and running IS LIKE A DRUG!!!

I cant imagine why anyone would need outside chemicals when the power of running is so intoxicating!

Anyway, I love that you run =)

Shadelle said...

I really have been meaning to start jogging around my area but never get around to it. This is all the more reason for me to start!! thanks!

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