Guest Post: HGTV Host Sabrina Soto: Closet Organization

Last week, I asked you girls to submit guests post since I've been a little crazy and I got some really cool entries. One of them was from Sabrina Soto  host of HGTV's Get it Sold, Real Estate Intervention. Sabrina is giving beautylogic readers tips on how to keep your closet organized! (As I told you girls before, I used to never be organized, now I can't stand clutter!) Here are her tips:

1)It may seem like common sense – but you would be surprised! Make sure that you keep your most-worn, everyday items in plain sight and store everything else that you use, every now and then, up high or down low, so that it’s out of the way.
2)Make sure that you have properly sized storage that is proportional to the items you are storing in them. Mix and match different units to make the most of your space. Hangers are for your dresses, suits, and shirts. Keep items that need to be folded in drawers, which can stack easily in your closet. This will give you space for small boxes for your miscellaneous items.
3) It may sound seem silly but keep your hangers uniform. Having hangers in the same color and style will keep your clothes looking nice and stay organized.
4)Lighting is important! Make sure to add a light fixture, if you do not already have a light source in your closet. When your closet is properly lit, you can properly utilize the space.
5)Make sure that you use horizontal storage, above and below the closet rod. Use shelf dividers to keep your accessories, like purses and shoes, neatly sorted.
6)Color-coding is very useful! When you know what you want to wear – you will know where to find it!

Thanks Sabrina-

Great Tips!



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