Therapy Thurday: Couples Therapy

So you girls know, I'm a little addicted to reality shows. Recently, I've been hooked on Couples Therapy, a show that airs on VH1 and features couples whose relationships are breaking apart. You may know a few of the people on this show like Angelina from the Jersey Shore and her boyfriend, Hulk Hogan's ex wife and her new man, and then there's rapper DMX and his wife Tashara. This couple is the one that really saddens me. It's so obvious that she wants this relationship much more than he does. He admits he cheats. He admits he never wanted to marry her. He admits that he likes cheating, and sadly he admits that he really doesn't want to change. Now, many people I know seem to have lost faith in relationships in general. But, not me. Most of my family members have been married for years. Both sets of my grandparents were married over 50 years (until one of them died). Marriages/relationships can work (if both parties want them to). Now I'm no expert (I've only been married coming on two years) but here are some things that I learned from watching as well as getting tips from my happily married family members.

1) Communicate-Many women seem to think that men can automatically read their minds if they are upset. Not so, men think totally different from you. Totally!! Believe me, sometimes when I'm pissed at Mr. Milly, and I think he should automatically know why, when I finally confront him, he really has no idea. It's important you guys communicate often. Don't automatically assume that he knows what's wrong because most of the time he does not.

2) Intimacy-A lot of my family members read my blog so I don't want to get too explicit, but intimacy in a marriage/relationship is so important. If you start noticing that action in the bedroom has decreased, something may be wrong, and not just in your relationship, but maybe in his life. If men are stressed, many times they won't be able to perform. And girls, because you know I keep it real, make sure you are kegeling. That's super important too. After a certain age, giving birth to children, not exercising, the muscle down there can become super weak, even loose, and intimacy for both you and him can become a chore. (They feel the difference.) Tighten it up with kegels and a kegel device. My OB/GYN tells me that kegeling by itself is not that effective. Better to get a device to help. Email me if you want the name of the one he recommended. Click below to read more. 

3) Don't Sweat The Small Stuff-If you constantly stress every little thing that he or she does wrong, you're heading downhill. I've learned a long time ago that sometimes it's better to let things go. For example, Mr. Milly has a habit of taking out the new toilet paper and never putting it on the roll. He'll leave it right on top of the toilet paper holder.  Before it used to irk me, and my mom caught me screaming about it one day. Right away she pulled me aside and said "are you really pissed about that? Just put it on the roll, what's the big deal?" Don't sweat small things, there are way bigger things to argue about.

4)Remember You-I know a lot of women that are really devoted to their marriage and their children, and that's it. They have no lives of their own, no friendships, nothing going on outside of their marriage and children. I'm all for loving and being devoted to our family, but remember, you should have a life outside of that too. You should remember that before you had children and a husband, you had you. My grandmothers both had their own lives, and so does my mom. And they always encouraged me to have mine too and believe me, I do. And it definitely contributes to an interesting marriage

5) Smile-It may be common sense, but a lot of times we forget to smile at our spouses/partners. They come home, we greet them quickly, and keep it moving. One thing I noticed growing up, was my grandmothers always had a smile for my grandfathers when they walked in the house. A smile can instantly transform someones day.

6) Respect-One thing I noticed about my grandfathers is the amount of respect they had for my grandmothers. They would never talk to my grandmothers the way DMX talks to his wife. In fact they treated my grandmothers like Queens! Why? Because they knew my grandmothers demanded respect and would take nothing less. When I hear couples cursing at each other and disrespecting each other, I know right away their marriage/relationship is in trouble because the respect  is not there. If a man starts to feel like he can curse you out, and disrespect you, believe me, he will have no problems disrespecting you in other ways. My grandmother would always tell me, "A man will only treat you the way you allow him to." And that's true. Remember that.

Since this is pretty long, I'll do Part 2 next week.

Do you have any relationship tips?




  1. Very good advice, but my mind keeps going back to DMX and his wife (I didn't really 'know' the other couples, so I wasn't invested in them) and I honestly think that her biggest mistake was in choosing the wrong mate to begin with. This wasn't just a deterioration of marriage, this is one partner not wanting to be with another. Ouch. But what's done is done. Among your list of advise, the one that would best suit her is to "not sweat" much of what he does. Finding her own serenity should be her first priority because she does not have a husband who is concerned with pleasing her. And also she must protect herself from STDS if she still decides to sleep with him to ensure that she does not catch any disease he picks up. I'm a strong proponent of long marriages too, but I do know that not all of them are happy affairs.

  2. Very good advice, but my mind keeps going back to DMX and his wife (I didn't really 'know' the other couples, so I wasn't invested in them) and I honestly think that her biggest mistake was in choosing the wrong mate to begin with. This wasn't just a deterioration of marriage, this is one partner not wanting to be with another. Ouch. But what's done is done. Among your list of advise, the one that would best suit her is to "not sweat" much of what he does. Finding her own serenity should be her first priority because she does not have a husband who is concerned with pleasing her. And also protecting herself if she still decides to sleep with him to ensure that she does not catch any disease he picks up. I'm a strong proponent of long marriages too, but I do know that not all of them are happy affairs

  3. @kjen I hate to say this, but I really think Tashara should realize that her marriage is done and over. He has no desire to change. He admits he doesn't feel bad about cheating. He actually prefers the way they are now as opposed to when they are married. In my opinion, she is just wasting time, but it also says a lot about her. She needs to find self-value, because it is obvious she has none. A woman who loves herself would never tolerate such shenanigans. I don't care how many children they have together.

  4. Your tips are on point - I was told all of these by my family members. I a firm believer in long marriages too. My grandparents were married for over 50 years. I know my parents will follow in their footsteps and I plan to do so too. Women also need to pay close attention to how a man treats them in the beginning and how he treats others because that's how he's going to treat you later on. If he's truly respectful in the beginning, he'll continue to be. If he's not, he'll continue not to be respectful. Don't count on changing him because it won't work.

  5. @ms G. I totally agree. My parents are heading into 40 years of marriage, and yes women should never think that they can try to change their man. That's a big mistake! great tip.

  6. Loved this post! I absolutely love positive marriages. My husband (2 years 4 months, yep we're still new) and I pray daily to be a great example for singles that desire marriage and other married couples. It is important to be surrounded by other positive couples that can council, pray, encourage, and impart into you and your mate. Marriage- it's work, but it works!


  7. I didn't even know there was a show about this kind of stuff. I kinda want to watch. I think it was you (I'm almost positive that it is) that gave me the advice of not sweating the small stuff. I'm a neat freak and Esposo is far from one and if and when we do argue, it's always surrounding cleaning up. I've learned to stop griping about him not making the bed and just do it. It isn't the biggest deal in the world and it isn't worth being angry about for 3 hours. And thank God Esposo and I both have our own sets of friends and hobbies. Long marriages stopped with my Grandparents so I'm hoping to start it up with my generation again. P.S. Hook a sista up with the kegel tool. ;)

  8. @withlove_l (lakisha)March 30, 2012 at 12:13 PM

    This is great and so true... Im not married but my parents have been married for 34yrs and ive seen what it takes. Another tip, have fun with eachother my parents are always joking laughing and teasing eachother

  9. Thank u for posting this because I have been going through a lot in my relationship. A lot of your points are so true and I truly believe in all your points of a good relationship. Mrs Milly I need some advice though. My boyfriend has a lot of family issues and dealing with alcoholic parents and he is constantly taking care of them and his brothers and sisters. His family is so unstable that is has taken a major toll on him and our relationship. I have talked to him about it and how I feel like we have lost ourselves in this relationship. I really want to work things out but I feel like I'm getting pushed away. Please help me. .

  10. @Ronnique yes marriage is work, like any relationship, but it's so worth it. Hugs,

  11. @B the show is addicting!! the device is called the Gyneflex hon,

  12. @withlove_Lakish, yes have fun with each other, it's so important.

  13. @anonymous your in a difficult predicament. On one hand you love this man, yet his unstable family will always be a factor. Ultimately you have to decide if he's worth the added stress. If you think he is, then by all means continue the relationship, if not, then don't waste anymore time. Let me know what you decide to do and if I can help in any way. Hugs, Milly

    1. Mrs. Milly
      I thank u for your response to my question. I really appreciate it. Well I wanted to let u know that I decided to leave the relationship. There were so many issues that came at hand with his family and our relationship that at the end of the day I could not handle it anymore. I care for him and love him, but there was no place for me. I couldn't be a relationship where I was constantly having to battle with his family and his job. I was totally getting the short end of the stick and it was time to let it go. Unfortunatly I have a year lease with him and we barely moved in two months ago and I feel like I am in such a predicament with having to now live with an ex boyfriend :(. I guess I need to woman up and just try to get through this.
      I really thank u again for the response and thank u for giving such great advice to all of us. U are truly the best and keep up the great work with your blog. :)

  14. @anonymous Wow hon, you're in quite the predicament. I applaud you for being strong enough to make such a decision. It must have been so hard especially because you live with him. But you will get through it. You seem like an incredibly strong woman already. I admire your strength. Let me know how it goes. hugs, Milly


Leave me your comments, thoughts or what you think about my post. I love feedback. Hugs, DE