Win the CEW Awards Beauty Gift Bag Here on Beautylogic

I was super excited about the Cosmetic Executive Women's Beauty event. We got to view hundreds of product that got nominated for the beauty awards. One of the best things about attending, was of course the amazing gift bag that we received. Anyway, the kind peeps at the CEW event know how much I love my readers and they gave me an extra bag to give one of you girls. This bag contains close to $1000 in product and contains brands like Kate Somerville, Clinique, Dr. Dennis Gross, L'oreal, Glam Glow Mud, Benefit, Avon, Molton Brown, etc, this bag is  filled with some great beauty finds. You lucky girls!!

Here's what you have to do to win.

First off you must like the Beautylogicblog facebook page. 
Then you can Like this post, 
And leave a comment here. The comment has to be here. The comment can be about anything. Tell me something about you if you want. I love knowing about my readers. but seriously, it can be about anything.

For an extra entry you can tweet. 

I am entering @beautylogicblog @CEW beauty awards gift bag giveaway. 

That's all, 

Giveaway ends this Friday March 23.  Sunday March 25 Good Luck. 
Winner announced Monday March 26





  1. Wow--what an amazing giveaway! I could totally use these. I've been really careful with budgeting lately while trying to finish up my last degree! I will soon enter the career world! YAY!

  2. Hi Milly! I just recently discovered your blog (as in, last week) and I've loved looking through the archives. It's refreshing to find a fellow Latina beauty blogger. You and I are similar complexions, which makes it so much easier for me to pick makeup products based on your reviews/advice. Keep up the great work!


  3. Oh my goodness! You weren't kidding about this being the biggest giveaway ever!!! Good luck ladies :)

  4. Liked you on fb via Lacey Lu Such an awesome prize!!!

  5. I'd love to win this amazing giveaway!! Beautylogic is awesome!

    fb - Stefanie Gladden

    tweeted -!/steffers516/status/181824979187404801

  6. WowzA! This is the motherload! Well...this weekend I got my 1st peel. It was a porcelain peel. Ive been doing all sorts of glam. Im gearing up to go to DR for my sister's wedding (which im in). I also took on Meatless March! Although its been challenging, the results are great..a top layer of body fat has already melted off...cant wait to get a tan w my bikini on the beach! Yay!

  7. OMG I would love to win! My favorite color for the summer is definitely orange! :)

  8. Great giveaway!!!
    As far as update on my boyfriend and I will be getting a puppy this month that we are excited about :)

  9. I am enjoying a lovely day and I hope that you are, as well!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :-)

  10. A girl can never have too many beauty products! Much aloha!xoxo, Kathryne

  11. I am so super excited about this give a way it is a product junkee's (like myself) DREAM come true. I love reading your posts and recently started the beauty detox because of you!

  12. Wow what an awesome gift bag. I love your blog. I'm addicted to your therapy thursdays.

  13. I just commented. Seriously, you are sooo giving! Lol. I think it I were in your shoes I would have taken both bags (press and regular) and rannnn lol.

  14. Looks like a fabulous prize!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I'm just enjoying a beautiful sunny day here in the Pacific Northwest- so happy that Spring is coming! I love love love Spring!

    sweetps123 (at) frontier (dot) com

  15. WoW, WoW, WoW!! What an awesome and generous giveaway!!! My name is Monica and Im a Nail Technician and Esthetician, currently working at a spa as an esthetician. I am a BEAUTY junkie! I love love love skincare of course. I love helping my clients achieve their skincare goals. I also love makeup and nail polish. I have a huge obsession with beauty blogs. I esp love yours! I hope I win!!<3

  16. Wepa! Amazing giveaway! I'm an aunt first time, and very proud of my niece beautiful girl. I'm learning all about her and the responsibilities it comes with being an aunty :-) Thanks for the chance! x

  17. Wow! Fab giveaway, Milly! Congrats on all of your success! I'm a huge nail polish fan, so I have been loving your polish posts. I've also taken your advice about coconut oil and just purchased some. I can't wait to use it!

  18. Something about me... I am a neat freak :)

  19. Phew, what a giveaway! I just recently added your blog to my reader because I loved a few of your posts, and now it seems like the timing was good too :) I like you on FB as Hannah Sayre

  20. Last day of winter, beautiful weather in the north. Winning this CEW Awards Beauty Gift Bag...priceless!

  21. Ooooh this bag looks awesome! I love your blog and am so happy for you and all of your accomplishments!

  22. I'd love to win, win, win! Why? Because I'm a product junkie that is!

  23. Dear Milly, I love when you have giveaways! What is your favorite color? Mine is Lavender or Purple.

  24. I am super excited to enter this giveaway is my FIRST one ever !!!i LOVE reading your blog you are such an inspirational person and you have amazing hair<3 XOXO !

  25. -I like the BeautyLogicBlog Facebook page & I liked the post. (Deanna Cali)

    -I'd really, really love to win! :)

  26. Tweeted:!/calidreamin87/status/181935301160206337

  27. Thank you for this great giveaway! :)
    FB: colleen boudreau
    Email: holliister at gmail dot com

  28. Your blog is hands down one of my favorite blogs... mainly because of your Therapy Thursday posts! I am going to Kuwait for a year in August and if Im not able to get on the computer like I want to I am really going to miss your blog! Great giveaway!

  29. This is huge! Sharing the giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely prize!

  30. This would be so much fun to win right before I become a starving student again in a few weeks!

  31. Thanks for the amazing giveaway! @margaritaviera

  32. I like sharing because sharing is caring!

  33. Feel like a celebrity already with this goodie bag lol

    My tweet:!/Sparkled_Beauty/status/182075414531932161

  34. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm so excited to catch up with you now that I have you on facebook!

  35. This looks so cool!

  36. Awesome giveaway! What an amazing gift for all your followers. Love getting my daily fix of your blog.
    I am a Latina with rosacea problems. I would like to know about make up products for my skin type that won't irritate or dry out my skin. Thanks and continued success!

  37. Awesome giveaway! What an amazing gift for all your followers. Love getting my daily fix of your blog.
    I am a Latina with rosacea problems. I would like to know about make up products for my skin type that won't irritate or dry out my skin. Thanks and continued success!

  38. What an awesome giveaway! Something like this can probably get me on my way back to my former self :(. I am a single working Mom of a 7 month old...Still wearing maternity clothes and I've been looking a little (or alot)ragged lately. No time for much anymore! Spring has sprung...and omg... I need a makeover!

  39. I love to read blogs, articles and news feeds. There is always something out there to learn. When it comes to beauty I like to take care of myself from the inside out. It is important to give your body the nutrition it needs. I love reading about how to eat right and keep hydrated to stay healthy, feel your best and look your best!

  40. Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

    My new thing is soaping, I am learning to create handmade soap and so far I am loving it. I just hope I can stay focused on ift for at least 6 months because I spent the income of a small village in Africa for the supplies.

    Have an amazing day.

    FB - Monique Jones

  41. -Whoa, so many products in one bag! :D Awesome give away. First day of spring and its sunny and chilly outside. Good way to start spring instead of rain and snow. :) Have a good tuesday Milly.

  42. WOW!! Amazing beauty giveaway

  43. An amazingly wonderful giveaway

  44. Wow,great giveaway.I recently became a "beauty junkie". I like to say that makeup has never let me down. I have lost my hair,I have gotten my hair back only to lose it again. I have gained 60lbs due to meds, I have lost 50lbs due to meds. I have lost my eyebrows and most of my nails. However, some brow pencil, fake eyelashes, blush and gloss made everything okay! See, body may be falling apart but makeup never lets me down!

  45. I love how humble you are and reply to your readers! I love make-up and fashion and I am in the process of making my dreams come true!

    I follow you on facebook and tweeted! I hope I win this... this will definitely help me out!


  46. Wow, Milly, this is an unbelievable giveaway; someone is going to be very, very happy! I wish I could go to the CEW awards! You're life is so exciting and as you know, your work ethic amazes me. Thank you so much for everything you do to keep us in the loop with all things beauty!

  47. That gift bag looks amazing! I know how much you love coconut oil. I have a little beauty secret. I smear organic coconut oil on my face before I got to bead. I leave it on over night although it is really greasy. Then, when I wake up the next morning, the oil has dried and absorbed into my skin. My skin just GLOWS.

  48. I've been a follower for years, and I love seeing how Beauty Logic has evolved! Thanks for the giveaway!



  49. Wow!!! What an awesome giveaway! I saw someone's Tweet about this giveaway and that's how I found you- so glad I did!

    I like you on FB as Katy M and liked the post there.


    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  50. I just Tweeted about the giveaway here:!/katygmorris/status/183331637952659456

    Thanks again!!!

    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  51. The bag looks amazing! I love ur sight an love allure. I have ordered their beauty box which was super good and this bags looks a ton better

  52. Thanks for the amazing giveaway
    i really love your site especially the life advice section, very motivating, helped me many times
    liked the Beautylogicblog facebook page as jenna sara
    Email angelinrhythm(at)yahoo(dot)com

  53. tweeted!/angelcharm1/status/183657676566315008

  54. Hi Milly,

    My name is Ivellisse - I've been reading your blog for over a year now. I love your authenticity and realness that not many beauty bloggers have. I've been wanting to join CEW, but I can't because the membership fee is beyond my college student budget. I hope to join to benefit from all the awesome perks once I'm a working professional, which is in a few months since I'm graduating soon! Fingers crossed I win.

  55. Bag is amazing but I think I am more jealous you were able to attend the CEW event. I love following the beauty industry news - WWD is one of my fav reads! Throwing my hand in. SharonL.

  56. Liked your facebook page as CR Williams. My email is charlinewilliams60 at gmail dot com

  57. I am 8 months pregnant and I would love to win. My email is charlinewilliams60 at

  58. Tweeted!/everywheresafe/status/184115997400252417 my email is charlinewilliams60 at gmail dot com

  59. I just love to try new products. I'm finished raising my five children and tend to actually have time to get on the internet and read beauty blogs. I enjoy your blog. Thank you for the give away.

  60. Here is my tweet for the extra entry.


Leave me your comments, thoughts or what you think about my post. I love feedback. Hugs, DE