Congrats to Cassie

Hey guys,

Just want to wish my bestest Cassie a big congrats. Cassie has now joined the cast of VH1's hit show Single Ladies. Cassie is a great example that hard work, and passion for what you do pays off. Make sure you watch the show. It comes back in May!

Here's the article announcing her to the show. Click here

I'm so proud of her.

Remember, if you believe you can do it, YOU WILL!




  1. Ahhhh nice!! Congrats to her...I'm a fan of that show :)
    Can't wait for Season 2 and see your bestie do her thing!!!

  2. Congrats Cassie!! I'm a fan and will be watching :-)

  3. Ooh, I can't wait! I love the show already, and now there'll be a "familiar face" :-) Congratulations Cassie!


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