Therapy Thursday: Be a Risk Taker.

This is a quick post. I just wanted to show you girls the two covers of Cosmo for Latina's Magazine. As you can see, my Dominicana "friend in my head" Zoe Saldana is on the cover. If you've been reading me for a while, you know that my dream in life is to report or be a lifestyle host, but while I reach toward my dream, I will take any opportunity that I can learn from. So, when Cosmo for Latinas reached out to be to do the beauty for their debut issue, I said "Heck yeah!" And, although I was intimidated,  I still did it. I didn't fear taking a risk (actually, yes I did, I was scared out of my mind). But, the issue is finished, and I'm super proud. Moral of this,  don't ever let fear stop you from taking a risk-no matter what.  Many of the most successful peeps in the world say the reason they are, where they are, is because of taking risk.

 Last but def not least,  believe in yourself, because when you believe in yourself, you convince others  to believe in you too.




  1. One of my fav inspire songs!

  2. So proud of you! I was JUST telling someone today (we were talking about TV reporting and what not) how the day I met you at the Moroccanoil event and how you've been so sweet every time I've seen you since! You deserve this---I can't wait until I can pick this up on the newsstands. Hope some of this is in Spanish so I can brush up on my

  3. Congrats!! That's a great opportunity! I think this is a good lesson to learn. I'm not naturally a risk taker, and these days I tend to be scared of everything, but I am working on this, so thanks for the reminder :)

  4. Milly, well said! You are an orgullo Dominicano. Keep going for that lifestyle reporter/host! It'll happen. Great job on the premiere issue. You're a beauty maven!

    Un abrazo,


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