Therapy Thursday: Even When Things Aren't Going Great For You, Help Someone Else

Hey Loves, how's your day going. Want some coffee. I've got some Cafe Bustelo with your name on it.

Have a seat. Today I want to talk to you about helping others, when things aren't going so well for you and of course, I'll start with something that happened to me.
Last year, I found out about an opportunity to audition for my dream job. I was so excited! I knew I had it in the bag! So I went in feeling super confident, and after the audition,  in my mind, I thought I had done extremely well. But afterwards,  the casting director didn't seem too happy. I smiled at her, asked her how it went, and she immediately told me that I was good, but she wanted someone a little different than me. She began to describe what she wanted: someone taller, someone blonder, someone who knew Connecticut well, someone who had great contacts in Connecticut, etc etc.  After hearing this, I was super sad. I really thought I had this in the bag.

But as she mentioned everything she wanted, I started to think of my girlfriend, who was from the area, , who had more experience than me, who knew how to shoot/edit/write, produce, who had the look the casting agent wanted. And, although I was super sad because it didn't work for me, I immediately told her that since I wasn't the right fit, I would connect her to my girlfriend who I thought was perfect. Long story short, I called my girlfriend, she came in a few days later , and she got the job. I'd be lying to you girls if I told you, I wasn't sad. In fact, I was devastated. If you've been  reading my site for a while you know that I've been trying to report for years and this job was lifestyle reporting which was exactly what I wanted to do. However, after helping her, I noticed so many great things began happening. A few days later, I got an email from CVS asking if I'd be their spokesperson. I booked a few segments etc. As I've looked back on my life, I noticed a pattern, every time something is going bad for me, and I still chose to help someone, amazing things end up happening later. It's like the universe is thanking me. Not sure what it is, but today's Therapy Thursdays is this: when things are going bad for you, don't stop helping people. In fact, try to help someone else. I really believe you'll see a reward later.




  1. "even when things aren't going great for you, help someone else"- its universal law :)
    good stuff and more is coming your way!!

  2. OMG... Necesito eso en mi vida!! Where did you get it?

  3. I loved today's therapy session! It's such a pick me up! It's always important to try to help others along the way, even if we are down. Help them with what you can, what's meant for you will come to you! I think of my mother with her Puerto Rican sayings "Lo que 'ta 'pa ti nadie te lo quita." What's meant for you, no one else takes!

  4. @facedramacosmetics are you talking about the cups? my hubby got them in cuba hon.

  5. @mandii I totally agree with your mom Mandii.

  6. I am loving this post! It's a perfect example of not only how to be a sincere friend, but also a genuinely good person. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  7. Good karma will come to those who helps others. I also believe what your telling your readers. :)

  8. Sparkley GlamourMay 7, 2012 at 9:11 AM

    I really needed this today! Just a year ago I had it all going on and I was always helping others to get where I I am unemployed, finances are strectched so thin and I am SCARED..but I keep encouraging myself, others and being the same helpful person that I have been :)

  9. @sparkleyglamour Things will get better for you hon, believe me. I've been where you have been. Don't get scared. Just stay persistent, keep looking, and believe me, you will find work! Sending best wishes to you.


Leave me your comments, thoughts or what you think about my post. I love feedback. Hugs, DE