Therapy Thursday: It's Never Too Late to be Who You Could Have Been.

I recently received this email, "Dear Milly, I"m a mom of four in my mid thirties, and miserable. I feel like I haven't done too much with my life. But, I feel too old to start working on my dream. Not sure what  I should do. "

If you ever get an email from my personal account, my signature is this, "It's never too late to be who you could have been." I firmly believe that.  I firmly believe that anyone at any age should follow their dream. Recently, I started reading the book, 50 Shades of Grey. I'd heard so much about it, but  was more intrigued because the author was a mom who had dreamed of writing a book, but had focused on  raising her children,  so she never got around to it, until finally, a few years ago, she started writing, and now her book is a huge best seller with a move about to be made.  What am I trying to say?? You have one life to live. And as someone who lived her life miserable for years in finance,  I advise you to never ever give up on your dreams. This is the best time to go after your dreams. With the internet, social media, youtube, there are so many ways you can make your dreams happen. Life is too short to live  miserably, unhappy or depressed. If you truly want something, you will find a way to make it happen, but you have to want it bad enough. You have to fight for it. Sorry to say, but you will not get anywhere in life if you think the word owes you something. You have to work your butt off, and believe me, once you do, your dreams will happen. But, the worst thing you can do, is give up on them. or think they can't happen. A few years ago, my close friends grandmother was dying  in a hospice. She told my girlfriend her biggest regret was not finding time to become a nurse. She'd always wanted to do it, but because of kids, working, and just thinking she was too old, she didn't make it happen.  Don't live your life full of regret. When I kick the bucket,  I want to be able to tell my family,  " I have no regrets. I did everything I ever wanted to do in life."  And believe me, I'm working hard to make sure that happens and I want you to do the same. Remember, you deserve to be happy! Make those dreams happen!

Are you making your dreams come true?

Tell me how?



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