Blow Up Pro Hair And Shampoo Leave Your Hair Looking Like New!

I always find myself picking up "hair volumizing products".  Pin straight hair is just not my thing, so shampoos or conditioners that promise to give my hair serious vavoom are my LIFE!   The problem is, many of these "volumizing products" contain sulfates, and  I try to stay away from those. (They can strip your hair, as well as screw up the PH.) So when I heard about Blow Up products, and their promise to give your hair serious body without sulfates, I immediately grabbed them, and uh yeah, Milly fell in love. Click below to read my review.

As I said these before, these products are free of sulfates, but they also don't contain parabens, and sodium chloride. I only wash my hair twice a week and most of the time when I wash my hair, I've got coconut oil in it, so I've got to wash my hair a few times, before the grease is out. The first thing I noticed about the shampoo,  was that it didn't lather, which is completely normal for a shampoo that doesn't contain sulfates. The products claims include being formulated with an exclusive pure protein blend that is nourishing yet weightless.
  I was a little skeptical,  but I gave it a whirl. The scent was really clean. For some reason, I thought of fresh laundry sheets when I opened the bottle.  The shampoo was a gel-like consistency. I washed my hair twice with the shampoo, then used the conditioner. I applied from mid shaft to hair. I never apply conditioner to my scalp , because it weighs your hair down, and applying conditioner to your scalp can make the roots of your hair so weak, that when you comb your hair afterwards, it falls right out. After leaving the conditioner on for about five minutes, I washed it out. My hair felt silky soft.     After blowdrying, I can honestly tell you, my hair was looking SERIOUS. The volume was crazy. Because I use coconut oil on my hair,  sometimes my hair can maintain some of that grease even when I wash it. Not with this, the grease was completely gone, and the shine to my hair was insane. Also, here's what I really loved. Even three days later, my hair was still looking great. That pic above is three days later.

The creators of this product are the founders of the New York Blow Dry Bar. You can order the product here. Milly gives this an A+!!!!!!



1 comment:

  1. What do you use to curl your hair ? It is amazing ! I want to try this shampoo !!!!


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