How was your holiday weekend? Mind was so amazing. I cooked, ate, saw two movies (Ninja assasins, and 2012) and the most important thing I did was spend so much time with family and friends. I had a great time, and I hope you did too. But this weekend was not just about having fun, it was also about learning a valuable lesson. I have a friend Maria (her names been changed) who I’ve known forever. She’s someone that I don’t see often, but I tend to communicate a lot with through e-mail. Anyway, yesterday was a glorious day in the city so I decided to spend some time with her. We met at the Starbucks across the street from my apartment, and from the moment I saw her, I felt some vibes-and they weren’t good ones. The first thing she did was stare me up and down, comment that I’d gained some weight, and asked me when I was going to dye my hair. (How’s that for a greeting? ) I was a little put off but she’s a friend (or so I thought) and I let it go. But, after I ordered my 5 pump chai, soy latte, and I actually sat down with her, and started to ask her what was going on with her life, and all she kept doing was making weird remarks to me such as “How can you afford your apartment?” What do you plan to do with your life if your dream doesn’t come true? You wasted so much money on your degree and you’re not doing anything with it.” I started realizing something wasn't right.
After being with this girl for 20 minutes, my positive energy began to wane, and I felt almost as if I was being sucked in by so much negative energy that I couldn’t breath, and positive DE all of a sudden became negative De. Instead of smiling, I was frowning, and feeling angry, and started questioning myself and just getting annoyed.
Luckily, I realized what was happening, and quickly excused myself and went home. As I walked back home, I thought back to our friendship and realized that it had always been me who had been positive around Maria. It was always me, who had encouraged her, and been happy for her, and she had always been my biggest naysayer. At the time, I had said that maybe it was her just trying to be realistic, but it wasn’t. It was her always being so darn negative. I also realized that when I saw her, she had not said one nice thing to me, and even in the past every time I had seen her, she hadn’t said a nice thing to me either. She was always so negative. So last night, I did something I rarely do. I deleted her # out of my phone book, and out of my life. Negative people are toxic. When you start listening them too much, they can truly take over your spirit, and you can become negative as well, no matter how positive you are. Misery loves Company, always remember that. When someone is too negative, realize it, and wish them the best but move on with your own life and eliminate them from yours. It’s important not only for your success but also for your health. After I deleted her number from my phone, a sudden feeling of calmness and relief came over me, and it was then that I knew I had made the right decision.
What are some experiences you have with negative people?
Did you eliminate them from your life?