Everyone Deserves Their 15 Minutes!


I don’t know what it is about Andy Warhol. I always say when I make it big one of the first things I”ll buy (after a house for my parents) is an Andy Warhol painting. It’s interesting though, because I’m not into art at all. But he inspires me. His Marilyn Monroe work is one of my favorites, and I can already picture it over my fireplace. (I have to remember to add that pic to my vision board.)


Anyway, back to beauty. I recently got a chance to try Lipstick Queens 15 minutes of Fame Lipgloss. Poppy King-the creator of Lipstick Queen loves Andy Warhol too, and these 15 glosses are inspired by him, and his belief that everyone would be world famous for fifteen minutes. The Fifteen shades are just beautiful bold pigmented glosses. None are shimmery, and none are sticky and even after I drink a beverage, I notice that the shade remains on my lips and reapplication isn’t necessary. My favorite shade is 2 minutes. It’s a beautiful shade of muave pink. Just stunning for tan skinned mamas.

Have you tried Lipstick Queen?

What’s your favorite Shade?

Do you love Andy Warhol?

I apologize for me not having new pics, but my camera’s usb isn’t working. I ordered one on Amazon-patiently waiting.



Food For Beauty -Carrots


My eyes sight is horrible. Seriously without my contact lenses, I can’t see anything in front of me. When I was young, mommy used to constantly try to give me carrot juice so my eyes could improve, but when she wasn’t looking, I’d throw it away. (I wish I could turn back time.) But, did you know that carrots aren’t just good for eyes, they are also amazing for skin. Carrots are loaded with beta carotene, one of the most powerful defenses against aging. They are also loaded with other vitamins like D, B, and E. According to the book Passport To Beauty, one of the beauty secrets of Brazilian women is to drink carrot juice everyday to maintain a healthy glow to their complexions.

Have you had a carrot today?

Do you drink carrot juice?

Avatar-Have you seen it?


This weekend, I saw Avatar with Mr. DE. What an amazing movie! Yes it's very long, but it is so worth it. The message of love and how powerful it is, resonates throughout the film. Nature, purity, respect for all cultures, greed, are all central themes of the film. Go see it. It's wonderful.
Also go see it, because this movie is breaking some serious records. On it's second weekend out it grossed over 75 million dollars.


By now, you guys know how proud I am of my culture, so I was very pleased that director James Cameron chose two of my fellow Latinas Michelle Rodriguez who shared her beauty secrets here on beautylogic and is a fellow Dominicana/Puertoricquena and Zoe Saldana another Dominicana are part of such a historic film. We're making history. You can read Michelle's beauty secretes here.

Have you seen it?

Did you love it?

Share your thoughts?




Happy Holidays Everyone

Hey HoneyBunns,

I just wanted to wish all of you wonderful friends, a beautiful, and amazing Christmas. I hope that you are enjoying today with your family and friends. I haven't lived long, but one of the life lessons I've learned is that when it really comes down to it, your family and friends are the most important thing.

I hope that you are spending your time with them and letting them know how much you love and appreciate them.

Have a Great Holiday!




Hey guys, how was your weekend. New York City got hit with so much snow, it was ridiculous. By the time I left work Saturday night, there was at least six inches of snow on the ground. I tried endlessly to catch a taxi, but after a few minutes of begging taxi drivers to take me home, and them laughing at me, a New York city bus came to my rescue and I was home in 15 minutes. Ah the joy of New York City Transit.

Anyway, let’s talk beauty. Last week I went to a girlfriend’s party. For some reason the place was super hot, and after a night of dancing, spinning around, and just having a good time, my hair was a hot, sweaty, mess. So when I got home, I knew I had to do my hair the next day. You know DE can’t go out looking like she doesn’t care about herself. Read my post about that here. So the next morning, before I made breakfast, I woke up and decided to fix my crazy hair. I wanted to try a new product that I had heard so much about-MoroccanOil.


I know so many people that are obsessed with this stuff. They claim it’s saved their hair, their mama’s hair, their daddy’s hair (well, you get my drift). It has Argan oil in it, which I know is the beauty secret for Moroccan women and is an incredibly rare oil-hence the high price. The oil is loaded with a high amount of oleic acid which is a fatty acid that is great for your hair, but remember the product MoroccanOil also has silicones in it, (listed as the first few ingredients) so if you’re not into silicones, you won’t like this product.

Alright back to my hair venture. So after washing and conditioning my hair with my Giovanni and Aubrey products, I applied the MoroccanOil Hydrating Styling Crème all over it. It’s pretty thick stuff so I only used about a quarter size throughout my thick hair. Anyway, I turned on the hair dryer, and began blow drying. The first thing I noticed as I was drying was how insanely shiny my hair looked and how there was no static to it at all. Usually the blow dryer leaves my hair with a little static. After finishing drying hair, there was no denying it. My hair was shiny, not weighed down at all, full of bounce, and oh so gorgeous-very Pantene looking.

Do I like it? Sure do.

Have you tried it?

What's your secret for beautiful hair?



Please Check This Out

One of my closest friends Cassie is starring in this movie.
Please check out the trailer when you can.

Holiday Gift Ideas For Friends

It’s very easy for me to copy and paste a gazillion gift sets and showcase them to you as my holiday gift guide. But, I never liked doing that. The purpose of beautylogic is not to show off products, but to showcase things that I personally love, and adore. So, my gift guide will be a little different in that 1) I’ve actually gifted these gifts or 2) I’ve actually gotten these gifts as gifts. However, I loved them all, and I think whomever you give these gifts too will worship the ground you walk on.

First, please be original with your gifts. For my best friend, I bought her a beautiful bag and filled it with some great beauty goodies from different companies. I got many of the gifts from TJ Maxx, and Filenes basement for much less than what they normally retail.

A friend of mine gifted this to me, a glorious visit to Dashing Diva Nail Salon for a mani/pedi. If you’ve never been to Dashing Diva, you have to go. They're a lot of fun. But it doesn’t have to be a gift specifically from there. With the holidays coming many salons are having deals on services. You should take advantage and get your friend a fun service.


Sephora has these amazing little sets for really low prices. One of them was gifted to me and I’m over the moon for it. It’s Sephora’s top 10 selling mascaras in miniature size for $40 bucks. They have a whole bunch of great deals just like this.


Lancome’s Holiday Brush set was given to me, and I actually love it. These brushes are of outstanding quality, and for three it’s $49.00. But you don't just have to buy Lancome, there are a lot of brush sets that are insanely inexpensive now for the holidays. This is a great gift for the makeup lover.


Mia Clarisonic, Alright girls, you might be saying , DE this is a little expensive, but get this, buy it on Ebay. They usually sell for $50.00 less than what Sephora has them for, and they are so worth it. Your friend will go insane for this wonderful gift.


Write a letter of Appreciation. This was given to me last year, and is my most treasured present. A friend of mine had lost her job, but she wanted to give me a gift so she gave me a beautiful hand written letter. There are no words to describe how that letter made me feel.

I’m a huge candle lover. Molton Brown has some amazing ones. Recently I won a twitter contest and won a Chella soya candle. This candle has one of the most pleasant and delicious aromas ever. Even my hubby loves it, and he doesn’t love anything too strong.

A fun class. In NY, there’s a studio that offers belly dance classes for $22. I gave my friend a lesson, and she loves it. Find out about local classes that you can give away. These are always fun.

Do you have any holiday gift ideas you'd like to share!

We'd love to hear them!



Gifts For the Man Who Rocks Your World!

Here’s a secret about finding the best gift for your man. Every time he says something like “I want this” or “I wish I could have that” always keep it in your mind. He may say it in passing, and not think anyone even remembers or cares, but when you give it to him for Christmas, he will truly be appreciative. I’ve gotten every present of Mr. DE’s by him saying something like “oh , I wish I had this, or "I need to buy this."

Anyway, here are some gifts that I think every man will love.

1)Flip HD, I love this bite sized camera. It’s so fun, we’ve made so many fun home videos with this, and he takes it everywhere with him too. !

2)GPS System. Mr. DE is notoriously getting lost especially when we head to Brooklyn. Anyway, A GPS system is always a fab gift for any man.

3 )The Droid Phone-My friend just gave this to her hubby and he almost threw her up in the air he was so happy. This phone is loaded with so many features, it may have the iphone beat.

4) The Globe Trecker for Men. If you date a man who cares a lot about his appearance, like I do, then the Globe Trecker by Molton Brown for men may be the perfect gift for him. It contains so many skin care items, all in a hot leather bag.

5) The Amazon Kindle If your man is an avid reader like mine is, then this is the perfect gift for him.

Do you have any holiday gift ideas you'd like to share for the man who rocks your world?

Please share.



Hey Honeybunns-Amazing News

It's hard working full time, trying out beauty products, and trying to be the next Oprah. But Friday I'll have my Holiday gift guide up, plus presents you can get for the man who rocks your world. I'm always a last minute shopper, hence the last minute shopping guide. Anyway, today I'm super happy about something. Remember how I've been writing about the new TJ Maxx around my house and how I love their beauty department. Well apparently they love me too because they are featuring me on the front page of their site. Not sure how long this will last, but I'm super excited. I've posted the screen shot but you can see the whole thing at www.tjmaxx.com


Anyway, I"ll be back tomorrow. Trying to live my dreams is super hard, but so worth it. I hope you're living out yours.

Update: they took me off the front page, but I"m still there. Just click Here.



Depth Ocean Blossom Lotion

Recently I met the famous Dr Oz. The guy was truly fantastic, and one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. Within minutes of our meeting he was teaching me so many things, and one of them really stuck with me. So many things we put on our skin get absorbed into our blood stream and can affect us, or our offspring. There’s a certain chemical that many lotions and skin care products contain called Phthalate. If you use this while you are pregnant, interesting things can happen to your child. Apparently a lot of products contain this, and we don’t even know. I recently got the chance to try Depth Ocean Blossom Body Lotion.


First thing I noticed about it was that it said Phthalate free. I liked that. It’s 70 % organic,and 100% vegan. In the winter time, although it’s freezing, sometimes I just don’t like wearing stockings with my dresses. It ruins the effect of the outfit. (Yes I freeze, but at least my outfit looks great, lol) But, it’s during the winter time, that your skin can become super dry, and in my case because I’m a tan-skinned Latina, very ashy. Nothing ruins the effect of an outfit more than ashy dry parched legs. Yuke. So, I have to make sure that any lotion I use, seriously moisturizes my skin without making them look greasy. I hate greasy legs. This does the job. My skin really likes this stuff. It’s super absorbent, but really moisturizes. I tried the ocean blossom and it contain 100% natural aroma blends. The scent of this reminds me of my summers in the Dominican Republic. Not really like the ocean, but more of the tropics because of the hint of coconut in it.

What I really like is that all depth products are no more than 10 bucks, and that they give back. Committed to raising awareness of and appreciation for the marine environment, Depth partners with Camp SEA Lab, a non-profit organization that provides authentic marine experiences for children who otherwise might not have the opportunity. www.campsealab.com

Have you tried Depth products?

You can get them at Whole foods or www.drugstore.com



Beauty Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune-Hot Tools Tourmaline Dryer

Recently I was blowdrying my hair with a $200 blowdryer that I had gotten not more than 10 months ago. All of a sudden, as I was drying, I begin to smell the stench of burning rubber, and my blow dryer took it’s last breath and died. I tried everything to revive her. I shook her. I unplugged and replugged her. I blew furiously in her barrel, but she was gone. I screamed, I cried, I begged her to wake up, but alas, she was gone. Suddenly, I became frantic. I needed to be somewhere in an hour and my hair wasn't even half dry. Quickly I ran the two blocks to TJ Maxx. I spotted a Hot tools Tourmaline dryer.


I grabbed it. The price at TJ Maxx was forty bucks, but of course the retail was like $90.00. I know we’re taught that quality hair dryers should cost more than $100 bucks, but I was desperate. Plus, last year at fashion week in the Total Beauty Suite, one of Ted Gibson’s hairstylist was using a hot tools flat iron on my hair, and he said they had some of the best hair tools. Remember guys, beauty never has to cost a fortune.

Anyway, I ran back home, and began to dry my hair. My thick head of hair was dried and styled fabulously within 30 minutes. The first thing I noticed about this dryer was how quiet it was. The second thing I noticed was how quick my hair was drying. When I dry my hair, I always make sure to swoop the ends up because I like my hair to have a lot of body, and bounce, and then I usually pin it up until I’m done drying so that I can maintain the curl throughout the day. Because I was in a rush, I didn’t pin the curl up, but the bounce still lasted all night. My hair was so super shiny after using this dryer, and I had very little amount of cowlick. I can’t believe the little amount I paid for this dryer. I’ve been using it for over a month, dropped it a few times, (because I’m clumsy), hit it with my bathroom door, and it still works great, and I finish drying and styling my hair within 30 minutes. Love Love Love it!

Have you tried Hot tools Products?

Do you love them?



Eve Pearl Hot Sexy Hot Mama Gloss has De going Crazy!


Beauty events are my favorite past time (well besides spending time with my family and hubby). Recently I went to a great one given by Sassy Chics in midtown Manhattan. The event was full of different makeup brands, skin care items, and discounted designer clothing. It felt like I was in heaven. The famed makeup artist Eve Pearl was there, and I got a chance to meet her. She was absoltutely wonderful. (She even let me hold her emmy-she’s won five for her great makeup application on The View). Anyway, Sassy Chics gave all the event attendees a great gift bag. One of the products that was in the bag was Eve Pearls HotMamma/Hot Sexy Gloss. The Hotmama/hotsexy gloss is a dual gloss in one. One side contains Hot Mama. It’s a gorgeous sexy flaming red, and Hot Sexy is a beautiful pearl shine with sparkle that you can wear over the Hot Mama.


Anyway, as I said before, tis the season for red. I love both colors, and have been using them together, The Hot sexy is great for work. However, the Hot mama is just so hot. The red is so so incredibly pigmented, and it stays on even after I drink any beverage., It’s such a smooth application and my lips feel so hydrated after using this. When I wear this shade, I feel so seductive, and Mr. DE can’t stop telling me how sexy I am-and of course, I agree.

Have you ever tried Eve Pearls Products?

Do you wear red glosses or lipsticks?

Which one do you recommend?



Always Trust Your Women's Intuition


I work for the news, and lately all I’ve been covering is the Tiger Woods Issue. It is truly annoying and in my opinion a huge waste of news, but whatever. Anyway, this whole issue has me thinking of a post I did about a year ago. You can read it here. That girl and I are no longer friends, because she chose not to hear what I was saying, and told me she never wanted to speak to me again. But anyway back to Tiger. In my opinion, Tiger’s wife knew for years he was cheating. How do I know? Because let me tell you something, I'm sure she felt that women’s intuition. I’m sure of it. We all feel it when we’re being cheated on. It's that uneasy feeling in your heart that something just isn't right. But many of us choose to ignore it. Hoping that it's not true. I remember when I began to feel it with someone I was dating. He was doing nothing suspicious, but all of a sudden in my mind and heart something felt wrong. And lo and behold, I found out he’d been messing around for a while on me, but unlike Tiger’s wife, I kicked him to the curb.

Remember this, women are just as capable of cheating on men, as men are on women. We get hit on all the time by men. We can't walk down the street without getting hit on. So, if we are capable of not cheating, and are capable of not being selfish, why settle for someone who can’t do the same for you-Don’t!

As I always say “A man will only treat you, the way you allow him too.”

Big Hugs,




If you’re addicted to nailpolishes and manicures, by now you’ve heard about the latest nail trend. Minx. Celebs from Rihanna to Beyonce have been rocking this hot new look. But what exactly is Minx? It’s a polymer film of hotness that can be heat activated. I say hotness because Minx comes in so many unique and gorgeous colors and designs, you’ll be getting compliments everywhere you go. Anyway once Minx is heated, it takes the shape of any surface including your nails. I recently got my Minx nails done by celebrity manicurist TracyLee of the Fabulous Damone Roberts Salon in New York. (While I was there singer Estelle came in to get her eyebrows done by Damone.) Tracylee was actually the first person who brought this trend to New York, and I want to say a big thank you to Tracylee, because Minx will definitely be a part of my beauty arsenal.

The procedure is super quick. You start off getting a dry manicure (you don’t want anything wet on your nails because that can mess with the adhesion) and then Tracy heats up the Minx with a special bulb.
Photobucket (Tracy heating up my Minx)

There were so many designs to choose from, but I chose a feisy metallic red. It’s sexy and tis the season for red (and since I work for the news there was no way I could get away with a hot design.)


After Tracy heats up the Minx, she quickly but carefully applies it to your nail. The minx sticks to your nail, and Tracy expertly files it down and removes the extra minx from your nail. The whole process should last no more than thirty minutes but after those thirty minutes, you’re left with the hottest nails you’ve ever seen. Check my sexy hot red out !


I live in New York, and people are used to seeing fab and unusual things, but on the subway, I have never gotten so many compliments on my nails. I must have tried to explain Minx to around 20 women. Finally I just gave them TracyLee’s info and told them to call her. When I went to a party last night, so many people were loving the Minx. They are truly a show stopper. Now TracyLee says things that can interfere with Minx are lotions with tea tree oil, and shea butter. For some reason Minx does not like those two lotions, and will begin lifting off. Also, a good way to maintain Minx is every other day, blow dry your nails (remember minx is heat activated) and then just re-push the minx on to the nail again. Tracylee says Minx should last from 4 days to a few weeks, but her Minx applications have been known to last a lot longer. I love my Minx. You can Reach Tracylee at the Damone Roberts Salon on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays at 212-764-4755.



I love mascaras and a few of my favorites come from Lancome. Their Defincils has been my staple for years. Recently, Lancome wanted to know what I thought of their Hypnose Mascara and as usual this doesn’t disappoint. The wand is not that thick, but the bristles are definitely long and there’s a lot of them so they can catch each and every one of my lashes. After I apply this (2 coats) my lashes are super thick and just huge with volume. I love that this does not clump and I’ve had this mascara for close to two months now. In short, I'm really loving this mascara. Apparently this is Khloe Kardashians fave mascara too.

Have you tried this mascara?

What were your thoughts?

What's your favorite mascara?



Hey Girlies

Tomorrow I'm going to post six new post-hopefully. For some reason, my new web design is giving me an error message every time I try to post a new pic-it's getting annoying but it's supposed to be getting fixed today. I have so much beauty to discuss that I can't take it. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow and sorry it's taking so long.



Dermalogica Active Moist


It’s the wintertime, and guess what, my skin is acting up again. Some parts are super dry while others are oily. I’ve been trying a few different moisturizers and nothing was stabilizing it, until I tried Dermalogica’s Active Moist. When I interviewed Vivica Fox, she loved this as well. Vivica’s skin is flawless so I definitely had to get my hands on this. First of all this contains no artificial fragrance or color, that’s a huge plus for me, because that can irritate your skin big time. This moisturizer is lightweight so there’s no incredibly greasy feeling and my skin soaks it right up. This contains natural botanicals and silk amino acids that are supposed to be very nourishing to the skin, but you know what I always say, the proof is in the pudding. My skin feels hydrated, and regulated and my oily spots aren’t left greasy at all even after a few hours. I can really see the difference in my skin.

Are you a fan of Dermalogica?

What’s your favorite Dermalogica Product?



Sade-Soldier of Love


Not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this to you guys, but Sade is my favorite artist ever. I have a special relationship with Sade. When I was younger, my mom was pretty strict and the neighborhood I grew up with was pretty bad, so I had to stay home during the summer while all my friends would go out. I was super miserable, but hearing Sade’s voice always calmed me down and made me feel better. Since that horrible summer , I can honestly say I’m her biggest fan. I know every single one of her songs by heart and have every single album of hers on my ipod. Anyway when I recently found out she was releasing a new album after 10 years, I almost had a heart attack. Soldier of Love is set to be released on February 8, 2010.
Have you discovered Sade?
What's your favorite song?
If you haven’t, please do. My favorite song of hers is Cherish The Day.

Here is her new song. Do you love it?

Anika Noni Rose & Beautylogic


I had the pleasure of meeting Anika Noni Rose a few days ago. If you don’t know who she is, you’re living under a rock. Today the Animated Disney Film The Princess and The Frog comes out, (first Disney film to feature a black princess) and she voices the character as well as does all the singing. She was also in one of my favorite movies “Dream Girls.” When I met her I couldn’t get over how sweet she was, and how gorgeous she is. Her skin is flawless. She's in her late thirties but looks like she's in her mid twenties. So you know I had to ask her about her skin regime, and want to share it with you.


1) What do you use on your skin, its fabulous?
I like  Dermalogica’s Special Gel Cleanser. I also use their Multi-activ toner, and their lotion.  Phylicia Rashad who is a good friend of mine gifted to me Sphatika lotion and Sphatika toner. This is an all natural brand and the only thing  I use at night. I am a huge believer in sunscreen. You should always always wear sun screen, and I make sure to apply every single day.

2) What’s always in your makeup bag?
I don’t like wearing a lot of makeup. But what’s always in my makeup bag is a Neutrogena lip glaze. Love it!

Thanks for sharing your beauty regime Anika. You’re fab. I’m going to go see your movie tonight.



Give Me Mor! Mor Marshmallow Body Butter

On one of my recent trips to TJ Maxx, I spotted a cute little pink jar. It was a body butter by a company called Mor. The scent was called Marshmallow. Since I’d never tried a marshmallow scent, I knew I had to grab this, and honeys, I am so happy I did. (I was so happy the next day I picked up the Marshmallow Body Souffle, and Mor’s Pistachio Body cream.) The company is Australian based and was started in 2001. Anyway, before I go to bed, I always like to lather my skin with a subtle scented and very moisturizing lotion. I try to change the scent every day. Mr. DE always remarks when he likes the scent, and if he doesn’t say anything, I know not to wear it to bed again.
We are loving this stuff. First of all this contains, avocado oil, shea & cocoa butter, rosehip seed oil, retinol, and some other super highly nourishing ingredients. It leaves my skin feeling so super moisturized, and it soaks right in. I absolutely adore the scent a delicious blend of vanilla and jasmine. Hubby noticed it right away and loved it. He told me that he wants me to wear it to bed more often. In other words, he wants Mor!

Have you ever heard of Mor?

Find out more info on www.morcosmetics.com



5 Drugstore Products That Could Be Sold In Sephora

Hey guys, don’t think I’ve been lazy with my blogging. Not true, just been so busy, but I’ve missed you so much. But in the meantime, let’s compile our 5 Drugstore products that could be sold in Sephora list.

1) Caress Brown Sugar Body Scrub

This is probably one of my favorite body exfoliators. The granules aren't harsh at all, and my skin is super moisturized after. The scent of this is a delish vanilla as well. I love it.

2) Alpha Hydrox Souffle 12%
Alright mamas, as you girlies know, when you get zits, you hate them, absolutely want to get rid of them, but sometimes when you get rid of them, it’s worse than when you actually had them because you get left with those dreaded dark marks. Well the Alpha Hydrox 12% Soufflé is probably one of the best things I've used to get rid of those dreaded dark marks. Literally marks that took months to go away, were gone in a month after I began to use this. It’s fabulous

3) Covergirl Lash Blash Length
Mascara is one of my obsessions, and this one has just been added to my makeup bag. I was obsessed with the original Lash Blash (you know the one in the orange packaging) and this one is fantastic too. After using this, I’m left with amazing length, and for $7.99, you should be trying this too.

4)Wet n Wild Bronzer
One of my favorite beauty bibles is Paula Begoun’s Don’t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me. I love how she looks at all different beauty products, even the higher priced ones, and shows us that many of them cost less than $2.00 to make. Paula likes the Wet n Wild bronzers a lot, and I recently bought one in a hurry when my usual bronzer fell out of my purse and broke into a million little pieces. Anyway, I loved this bronzer. First off it’s $2.99, and the Bali Bronze really left my tan skin with a beautiful golden glow that lasted all day. I love it.

5) L’oreal Hip Eyeshadow

These eye shadows are my absolute fave in the drugstore. The pigments are so bold, and intense. You don't have to pile this on. The staying power is amazing, and they don’t crease. Love it

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