BeautyLogic's 3 Year Anniversary & Clarisonic Mia Giveaway

Hey guys

Today is BeautyLogic's three year anniversary!
It's also my Birthday! I'm 21 (stop giving me the side-eye, I'll be 21 forever!)
Anyway, in honor of my Three Years and  my 21 Birthday,
I'm having a giveaway every day this week (except Sat and Sunday)
The first giveaway is a product that I can't live without!
The  Clarisonic Mia

The Clarisonic is my must have beauty product.
You can read one of my post on my Clarisonic love here. 
I credit the Clarisonic for being one of the main ingredients in me getting my fab skin back during pregnancy. IT IS A MUST HAVE SKIN CARE PRODUCT!
All you have to do to win is leave a comment here, write anything you want.
Winner gets announced Tomorrow night July 9-yes this is a one day giveaway.

#clarisonic has sponsored the mia for giveaway




Unknown said...

Well happy anniversary. I am forever 29 myself so I understand. I was just thinking how I need to invest in one of these, it would be great to win.

gg said...

Happy birthday! I wanna win!

B said...

Happy 3 years, sis!! I'm so so proud of you. Don't enter me...just wanted to show some love and let you know I'm posting this on Clumps. :)

Kwana said...

No side eye from me. Happy Birthday!! What a giveaway. I'd love to enter to win this for my daughter. The Clarisonic is fantastic.

sammmmmmmi said...

Love your blog!


IbisCaraib said...

Ooh this is a great giveaway. Congratulations on the blog anniversary!

Unknown said...

First, Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!

I totally need the clarisonic in my life. I'm ready to be consistent with my face cleaning regimen and continue to have my skin looking as healthy as ever. As a mother of ten year old twin boys I always laugh when people are in disbelief that I'm the mother, not the big sister. :)

Nikia said...

I see you're testing the Lavanila baby products. Can't wait to see how they work, I've been eyeing them at Sephora for weeks.

Farrah said...


RVSNewark said...

Happy 3rd Blogerversary! (If there is such a word-I guess there is now) and have a great birthday! I'm sure the baby was a nice early present. Enjoy your day!

Ladybug said...

Congratulations! with everything!

Applesaucery said...

I'd love to try this!

Unknown said...

happy birthday!

I've wanted one of these for the longest. I hope to win

makeupbykimporter at gmail dot com

solelichocolat said...

Congrats on your new little one and thanks for this exciting giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Im new to your blog but I just went through all your pages (whew) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi-Just wanted to post my entry. i found your website thanks to "Clumps of Mascara."


Gigi S said...

WoW! Congrats on the new baby, your 3rd anniversary, and Happy Birthday. This is truly a wonderful year of blessings for you! I would absolutely be thrilled if I had the opportunity to win the Clarisonic Mia especially since a few months ago I began to break out along my jaw line. I have tried everything to no avail - I'm hoping that the Clarisonic will be the super tool to rid me of this horrible texture going on my face. Keeping my fingers crossed. =}

Anonymous said...

I won one of these 2 years ago (!!!) from you,and it has been the greatest thing for my face! After my pregnancy, my face looked a mess... thanks so much for looking out for me then. Good luck to the winner! (I am not entering. Just sharing the praise!)
PS. Congrats on your new life! A year wiser, hubby and baby!

Jiggetts said...

Congrats on your anniversary and happy birthday!! Cancers rock!

Unknown said...

Wow. Super giveaway! Congrats on 3 years, and Happy Birthday!

Chaunda said...

I would love to win this!

Chaunda said...

I would love to win this! It sounds amazing.

Robin said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary and your beautiful baby! I truly need a Clarisonic in my life!

Huguette En said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like something I need for my face, please enter me if open to Canadians.


antithesis said...

i have really been tryin to win a mia for about a year. if i dont win one by my bday (oct) i'll be buying myself one. that is if i achieve my goal of losing 24 lbs by then. if not, i have to wait until i get a full-time job and who knows when that will be...

lkt said...

Happy Anniversary!!! And many more...

lipton|TEE said...

I would love to win this, I've heard so much about it.

Daphne said...

I found your blog through the link at Clumps of Mascara. I'm loving what I see so far! Keep up the good work and congrats on your anniversary!

Syreeta B said...

What a brilliant idea! I would love to win this item for my skincare regime!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 3 years!!! You don't look a day over 18! OMG! I would love this!!! I have a clarasonic (old one)...sitting on my bathroom sink...and it!!! My beloved facial cleansing utensil has died and my face has not looked this bad in a very long time! Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me!

m said...

How am I the first commenter?! I would absolutely LOVE to win a Clarisonic Mia! Despite using exfoliators, my pores never seem to be clean enough and I'm tired of having blackheads. I want silky smooth skin! :)


Mandii said...

OOOOO, I likey, like!!!! I've been wanting one for awhile!!!!

Phyllis Bourne said...

Happy Birthday and Blog-a-versary!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Mischo Beauty said...

Awwww, congrats girly! And tons of hugs to you on your birthday! Enjoy!!!! Miss you. :)

BonafideLatina~ said...

Niiice giveaway. If it was not for your and your blog I would have never tried many of the products you cosign on your blog :)

Can't wait to see what else you give us on your blog. :)


Makeup On A Budget said...

Congrats on your 3 year bloggerversary! lol. Also happy 21st ;). I've always had my eye on the clairsonic, but the price is steeep. Anyway, thanks for giving us the opportunity for winning. Take care!

kristinaisanaka said...

Happy "21st" Birthday o_O and congrats on your 3 year milestone. I wish you many more years of success and growth, as your blog is amazing!!!!!!

Please pick me for the Mia giveaway. I read your previous post and Ive been hearing reviews from TV for the past year and I would love to try it, as my acne- proned skin is (and has always) giving me the blues.

Raisa Capellan said...

I would love a clarisonic but unfortunately I cannot afford it, it would be such a great prize!

Angela said...

I just have started reading your blog as of about a month ago and I have really enjoyed it. I like how you chronicle your love of beauty and your pregnancy/new addition. Please enter me and keep up the good work! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Please enter me! I would love to win this! I REALLY want a Clarisonic! Thank you for the giveaway!!!!

email: shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

Happy birthday DE, and congrats on the blog anniversary. Exciting :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Queen07 said...

Happy Birthday!

Raaya Lewis said...

Happy Birthday DE!! I hope you enjoy your 21st bday (wink, wink). My birthday is on Saturday and I'm looking forward to turning "21" too :-) Here's to being eternally young and beautiful!

-Raaya Lewis

Tamar said...

3 years? Wow! Congrats!!! Love the blog because of the fabness and positivity of it.

Much success on blogging and motherhood!

I need this clarisonic so that my skin will be as pretty as yours!!!! Enter me :)


Mayero said...


Unknown said...

Hey! Happy 3 Year Anniversary, I am sure we are very proud and excited of your hard work. You have done an extraordinary job with Beauty Logic; I am confident that you will get far :-) Look, you have already accomplish big things. God Bless you and your new family everyday. Keep on the hard-work and please do not forget that you have many fans that love you from the bottom of our hearts.



Happy said...

I would to win. Been looking around your blog and I like it

Mary said...

OMG! Congrats and Happy Birthday! I have been lusting after a Clasonic since forever or since I hit thirty-f, I mean 21. For now I just go into my local Ulta and fondle the display! lol

Deepthi said...

Congrats on 3 years, your new bundle of joy and Happy Annual 21st birthday ;) Wow lots to celebrate for. I'm a 25 yr old woman in medical school and ever since I started med school 2 yrs ago, my skin has just erupted from the sleepless nights and stress. I don't even think I had this much acne during my teen years =/ The acne has calmed down a little bit but now I'm left with hyper-pigmentation and scars as a constant reminder. All I dream of is clear skin! It would mean the world to me if I were lucky enough to win to have clear skin once again.
Thank you and Clarisonic.

TamikaG said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!! You always give away the nicest things! Congrats on your 3 year anniversary!! Happy Birthday to you! Annnnnd congrats on the new addition he is sooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

would love to have it.
Melody A.

Mia said...

Thank you for your giveaway! :)

Rai said...

Happy Birthday DE and kudos for giving us 3 years of beauty!! Hope you're enjoying your day with Lil Man :) Would love to win!

Kay said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!! :o)

Nour said...

Loving your blog!! Found it off of Kimberly's blog!! Congrats on your lil' man!!

ShaunS said...

Love the blog, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

40 is the new 20, so I need the Clarisonic Mia to keep my 40 yr old face looking 20! I want to Glow until I Go!

Anonymous said...

40 is the new 20, so I need the Clarisonic Mia to keep my 40yr old face looking 20. I want to Glow til I Go!

Karla0083 said...

I hope I win!, I need this in my life!!!

Jessica and Nicole said...

Happy Blog-A-versity and Happy Birthday!! :)

Thank you for doing such a great giveaway. I hope your having a wonderful week with all the celebrations.
jsp4zc (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

You're having an amazing summer, new marriage, new baby, celebrating another year on this planet, and celebrating 3 years of blogging. Congratulations! Keep up the good work :-)

Unknown said...

Have a happy birthday and congratulations on all of your many blessings this year. My sister and I LOVE your blog. . . your coconut tips have done WONDERS for my hair and nails. THANKS and keep it coming!

Maxiel-Karolina said...

congrats on you 3 yr anniversary FELICIDAES. Enter me in the give way please.

Nicky said...

Happy three years of a great blog!

Here's hoping I get lucky because I would love to try the Clarisonic Mia--sounds incredible.

Amber/Brown Bombshell said...

Hi there! Congrats on the new addition to your family, your blogaversary and bday! Here's to many more years of fabulousness!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary and the new baby. Please, Please pick me. My skin is a mess and this would be a huge help in making some progress with my skincare routine this summer.


Bjoy said...

Hey DE...happy bday to you & congrats on your sites 3 yr. anniversary. I have actually been looking at the Clarisonic for awhile but have yet to purchase it. I have very oily and acne prone you think this would work for someone like me? TIA
Oh yea, congrats on your baby...

Amber J. said...

Happy 3 year Anniversary BeautyLogic! You've been good to me these past years. Every you gave me a new review on new makeup or beauty products I ran right out and picked it up just to give it a try. Also Happy Birthday Dee. Lol at you being 21 forever.

I would loveee the Clarisonic Mia. I've been eyeing it since it became one of Sephora's favorites.

Vanessa S said...

Enjoy this time with the baby. They literally grow up to fast. Mine are 26 and 19 and boy, do I miss those years!! :-)

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh!!! Incredible! Please enter me! Congratulations on 3 years and a happy happy 21st birthday to you!!!!!!! :D


tl said...

I would love to win the Clarisonic.

Tina P. said...

Hi DE! I really enjoy reading your blog! I would really love to win Clarisonic Mia. Thank you!

Aquaheart said...

Well happy Anniversary AND Birthday!! Please enter me! :D

angie said...

Happy birthday and blog anniversary.

taylo292 said...

Happy Birthday! This is a great giveaway! I have been dying to get my hand on one of these... I just havent been able to shell out that much for a product, so winning it will be great!

vrtish55 said...

First, Congratulations DE on your beautiful baby boy! Happy Birthday! I'm looking forward to reading your reviews and news on Beauty Logic. Thank you for all the work you put into your site. Happy 3 years! Have a Blessed Day.

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Hope it was Fantabulous!
Also, Congratulations on 3 Years of an awesome blog! ;))

Anonymous said...

Hi DE,
Thank you so much for your giveaways, you are always keeping us fashionable with all this amazing products; looking for new things for US. Happy 3 year anniversary and more to come of course.

I really want one of this so badly, I even have it on my bulletin board to see if someone gets it for me as a gift.

HaPPy AnnIvERsarY!!!!!

Unknown said...

:) awh cool, congratz!

Anonymous said...

Hope im not too late, but I would love to enter.thanks.

Claudia said...

Happy 3 year blogging b day!


Elizabeth said...

Happy 21 ans 3rd anniversary!

Robin Louise Heran said...

This is so exciting! Happy anniversary!

jazzyshug said...

Happy birthday and anniversary! I hope you make me happy by handing this giveaway over to me! ;-)

Cinthia said...

please pick me! happy belated birthday hun! :)

Sunshiney said...

Happy 3 years my friend :)I keep hearing all these wonderful reviews about the clarisonic and hoping to try out my luck here :p


Anonymous said...

Happy blog anniversary! You should be so proud girl, for all of the work you've put into this website. A lot of blood sweat and tears has gone into each and every post. Thank you for always making this blog a place beauty lovers can go to for beauty info and pics and fun posts that are never boring. You're awesome! Heres to another 3 years! ;)


shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Sheena said...

This is a great giveaway! I've been wanting a Clarisonic MIA for awhile now, because I've heard how great they are. Happy 3 years on your wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I meant to write it in my comment but got carried away with everything else I was typing :)

Miss Dress Up said...

Happy birthday to you and Beauty Logic!

LesR said...

HI! Ima a new one here. Your blog is awesome! Please enter me! Thanks!

Cass said...

Happy birthday! I like to celebrate by giving other people presents too. >_> Came over from Clumps of Mascara but this place looks groovy as well! Total makeup n00b over here.

Unknown said...

Happy 3 year blog anniversary & happy, happy birthday to you!

What a great giveaway to kick off the blog celebration!

@SBailey7 - Twitter

S Carter said...

Happy Anniversary and Happy 21st Bday (again). Cant wait to see the rest of the giveaways!

scarter305 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...


The Beauty Bug said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and blog anniversary! Please enter me in the contest, thanks!

@kiara_georgiany said...

Happy Birthday and happy anniversary! All the best!

yvonne said...

Happy, happy birthday and blogversary!!! What an exciting year you've had!

Token-Black-Girl said...

Happy Anniversary and birthday. I've been wanting a clarisonic for sooo long, would love to win!

Natakue said...

Happy birthday and happy bloggiversary!! These weeks are certainly full of memorable days for you!

CC said...

Three years and still going strong...looking forward to many more!!!!
BTW...send that Clarisonic ova hereeeee!!!!

Meka said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ezzie said...

Happy Anniversary!!
I'd love to finally get a chance to try the clarisonic; thanks for this giveaway!

Mercy said...

Happy Anniversary, your blog looks awesome!

Style, via Tia said...

Happy 3rd and Happy Born DAY!!!!

Tarah said...

Happy Birthday and
Happy Blog-a-versary!!

Sunnydaze said...

sure could use it

Sunnydaze said...

sure could use it

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! and Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! Here's to another three years, full of happiness and makeup!

With lots of love~

Anonymous said...

I wanna win

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Anniversary...I know that its kinda late to post this...but I guess better late than never!!! I really want great skin....and I believe that this may be my ticket!!! I wanna win

adrian said...

Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for the chance!
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I want to win...hopefully this goes through...I've made multiple attempts!!! Bah!! Good luck to me!! Yeah!

Unknown said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary.... i need that Mia


Must win prize!! PS happy bday lol

MiMi said...

Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday! I wish you many more - I found you through Clumps and I'm super-glad I did. BTW my name is Mia and my sister is a Cancer also (her b-day was Tuesday). Happy celebrating!

Lboogie0307 said...

DE, I love your blog! You have inspired me to make investing in my beauty routine a priority. I also greatly appreciate you introducing me to Kimberly Sndeyder's blog. Happy Bday and Congrats on the lil one!!

Shmolly said...

happy happy birthday!

JcanAlena79 said...

Happy 21st Birthday!!!! I'm a newbie to your blog and LOVIN' it!!! <3

screeename said...

Happy Anniversary and Please enter me!

screeename said...

congrats and enter me, please!

screeename said...

congrats and enter me. please!

Anonymous said...

hi could you add me im pregnant with breakouts for some reason and would really appreciate it.

803momof2boyz said...

Congrats on your 3 years! I love your blog! I am a married mom of 2 boys and I have gotten slack in my beauty routine lately. Since I discovered your blog(just a week ago)I have been inspired to pamper myself. I gave myself a pedicure and facial over the weekend. Next, I plan to order some polishes from Zoya. I also watched your youtube video featuring the young lady who eats a raw diet(sorry can't think of her name right now) and I became inspired to purchase the Vitamix machine so that I can incorporate a green drink into my daily diet! You help me to realize that I need to take better care of myself. I will be turning 40 next month and I look young as well :) I have always worn sunblock and taken good care of my skin. Kudos to you for being proactive in your skincare! You will stay beautiful for years to come. And btw, I liked your "Hispanic don't panic" line. Please continue to keep us in the "know" when it comes to the best in skin and hair care products.

Rosemelody said...

Happy Birthday and blog anniversary!

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