I'm just Asking

Recently, I'm noticing I'm getting a lot of new readers. Welcome guys! I love making friends. Big Hugs to all of you.
Anyway, I was going through my blog, and decided that I wanted to showcase some of my past favorite Posts. I'd like to know yours. I have subscribers that have been reading me for over 2 years (when I was very inconsistent with blogging-used to do it about once a month) to newer ones who just subscribed this morning. So my question to you is, what's your favorite beautylogic post? E-mail me your fave, I'd really appreciate it. If i choose your e-mail, you might just win something.

Here are some of mine.

De's Beauty Secrets-shhh don't tell anyone

Coconut Oil

Healthy hair from within (one of the ingredients in the hair tonic)

Are you following your Dreams?

Things that make DE go Hmmmm

Don't Compare Yourself

Please let me know, and thanks.


Tiffany said...

this is my fave; june ambrose is beautiful!

Recap Beauty of the Week

Lisa said...

Love your ideas on coconut oil for hair. I've been doing this too and LOVE it!

1955nurse said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, I learn the most amazing things from it. But right off the top of my head I can't remember the titles of some of my favs, but I really DID like the one of "DE's beauty secrets" - I'm trying to break my "addiction" to Coke zero right now - I know it would be better for my skin/health/kidneys, etc.

Beth S. said...

I forgot the name of the post, but it was the one where you talked about this woman who attacked you and a friend because she was still stuck in a relationship that was over and didn't value herself. The guys was talking to her with disrespect and she didn't have any dignity in that situation. although I have never been at that low of a point, i have been in situations where I knew better but acted otherwise.
I def. took that post to heart and really evaluate my thoughts and actions based off of that advice regarding relationships and self respect-


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! My favorite is "6 Mistakes you may want to avoid while in a Relationship". Although I am not in a relationship right now, I do appreciate your words of wisdom. What you said was dead on and very empowering. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are worth being treated well and respected.

Mel said...

It would have to be the kimberly snyder food for beauty vid....as well as the tips for healthy hair post!

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