Yager Esthetics, YSPA and Win a Facial Valued At $200

One of my all time favorite neighborhoods in NYC is Washington Heights. It's a beautiful neighborhood, which many of my people (Dominicans) call home. The neighborhood is filled with fantastic restaurants where you can get delicious Dominican cuisine for incredible prices, beautiful parks, friendly people, and wonderful salons where you can get your hair done and look like you spent a fortune when in fact you probably spent no more than $20 bucks. Washington Heights also contains a hidden gem that I recently discovered. It's called Yaeger Esthetics &Spa or YSpa. It's a med spa which means it can offer prescription strength remedies, and skin care  that many day spas cannot offer. All of the treatment providers are estheticians and everyone there is bilingual. I was recently invited by the spa to review their services, and all I got to say is Wooh mama!

First off the spa itself is gorgeous, and it contains advanced treatments that a spa connoisseur like myself (jk) have never heard of!The spa was started by Dr. Jeffrey Yager, whom I interviewed before the service. I liked him right away. The Doctor is American(fully bilingual) and realized that there were no spas that catered specifically to women of color so he set out to make it happen.

When I first walked in, I was invited to try their Visia system. It's this futuristic contraption that allows the Doctor to see what condition your skin is in now, and even what you could look like in the future as you age. It was so interesting. It also provided me with things I needed to work on when it came to my skin care regime. I loved it.
Me inside the Visia System

Then I was invited to try their silk peel. It's like microdermabrasian but uses liquid alongside with it so it won't irritate the skin. Women of color have  incredibly sensitive skin, and any slight irritation can lead to hyperpigmentation (yes I experience this alot). The silk peel helps prevent this problem! I loved this treatment. And after the esthetician was done, she showed me a jar full of all the crap that she took out of my skin. It was kind of disgusting! lol (So random but the esthetician kind of reminded me of my mother.)Anyway,  when I left, my skin was GLOWING! I mean glowing. It looked so incredibly healthy.  And usually microdermabrasian will leave my skin very red, but I did not experience this with the silk peel at all. My skin looked amazing!!!

I highly recommend this spa for all women! YSPA knows we love giving away things here on beautylogic. So they are giving one Beautylogic reader a silk peel treatment valued at $200.00.

Here's what you have to do to enter. 

Tell me about your mother or anyone that has played a huge role in shaping the person you are today. 
Here's my grandmother (abuela):

My abuela died recently. This is my abuela from my mother's side. My other abuela (my dad's mom) is still alive and kicking.
Writing this right now is making me tear up. But my abuela loved me so much. She did so much for me growing up and for so many people. She was such an independent woman. She started a school in the Dominican Republic when that was unheard of. She got married at 31 when most women in the Dominican Republic were getting married at 20 or younger and starting a family. Not Abuela! She wanted to focus on her career first.  She taught me so much about beauty and taking care of yourself and making sure to love others. She was never seen without her signature purple nail polish. She had twelve kids of her own, but adopted five other kids from friends who needed help. I realized how loved she was on the day of her wake. Hundreds of people came to pay their respects. There was a line outside of people waiting to see her.  Many telling me of all the amazing things she did, things that I never knew of.   She is my hero. I miss you abuela.

Let me know something about anyone who has shaped your life. You don't have to be as descriptive as I am.
Winner will get announced Tuesday.

Yager Esthetics
130 Fort Washington Avenue
New York, NY 10032
t: 212-543-1700
F: 212-543-1707

Also remember my Lorac giveaway ends Monday.
To all mothers, Happy Mothers Day!




nyccurls said...

The one person in my life who has made a difference was my grandmother (or mamita as we call her). She also had 12 kids which she had to raise on her own after my grandfather committed suicide. She stayed strong and has been the rock in the family since I can remember. She raised all her children and then took care of her grandchildren when they were born. She is beautiful inside and out and I cannot imagine our lives without her.

BonafideLatina~ said...

I am very sorry for your loss Mildred. I had not idea. I appreciate you sharing that with us as I'm sure it was very hard. Based on how much you have shared with us about your Abuela I know how close you 2 were and all I can say is that you now have an amazing angel watching over you and you have many many ways to celebrate her as she was such a great woman. My condolences to you and your family.

As for your review of YSpa I had no clue about this place and I live so close. I love WaHi too:)
Will have to check them out asap.

As for my story I would say my mother hands down impacted my life. In 1991 when we lived in Puerto Rico she had an amazing job as a chemical engineer and decided she wanted to move to the U.S. b/c she knew there were better opportunities here for my brother and I and she really wanted us to learn English. So she left without us first to decide where to move to...after deciding on which city (it ended up being Poughkeepsie, NY out of ALL places!) she lived with friends for a few months got a job cleaning bathrooms at a motel saved some money to rent a 1 bedroom apt(yup 1 bedroom for the 3 of us) and then flew us to NY. So going from making decent $ to no $ just for my brother and I is something I'll always appreciate. She was very brave to do that. We had some tough times in the beginning not speaking English etc but I think it was all worth it in the end. My mom is a warrior in my eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss Mildred...Thank you for sharing this story with us! I love your blog!

As for me, I would say my mom. My beautiful mom always told me that for a woman to prosper in life you did not need a man. She would also say that God made a woman stronger than a man for a reason so I can be or do anything I wanted in life. She raised my 2 younger sisters and I alone in a 1 bedroom apartment in Washington Heights. I appreciate everything that my mom has done and sacrificed to make sure we did more than she did in this world. But you know what, I would be blessed to be half the woman that she is. Now that I am a mom/wife myself I will make sure I am for my daughter. My mom is the strongest woman in my eyes.

Clariza said...

My idol is mi mami libia. She is my moms sister. My aunt. When i was first born she helped my mom with me. When i was six months my mom returned to the usa without me, as i couldnt travel out of my country with out papers and visas. While my mom was in nyc working hard and getting our papers my mami libia was raising me. I thought she was my mom. She felt more like my mom thsn my mother did. She loved me unconditionally and showed it. My mother has a hard time w showing tenderness. Anyway i became a US resident at age 3 and i was devistated to be seperated from my mami libia. She died 3 years ago (july 12) of cancer. She died before my daughter was born but i felt her presence during the delivery. She represented unconditional love and support. I only ever experienced that again with my husbsnd. I miss her and think of her everyday.

Jawahir said...

is this how you cleared your skin? going through a bad bout of hormonal acne and i'm at my wits end!

Anonymous said...

My mother is the strongest woman I know. A few years ago my father was deported, we moved to NYC, and my mom had 3 children to raise on one salary. At the time I didn't realize all the sacrifices she made, all the over-time she had to work, and all the "me time" she gave up to attend every parent-teacher conference or piano recital. She does so much for others yet never expects anything in return which I why I hope to be able to give her something she truly deserves.
She is so generous and would give the clothes off her back to someone who needs it more (not to mention any gifts I try and give her). I can only hope to do my best and try and be half the woman she is.

Cinthia said...

The one person that has definitely shaped my life is my mom....she lives in a different country than me, so we don't get to see each other all that much, but she has taught me to be strong and independent. I thank her everyday for helping me become the woman I am now, and it makes me value family all that much more.


beautylogicblog said...

@jawahir no, I am blogging about that soon, but I suggest taking zinc and fish oils. that helped so much.

Anonymous said...

Was the winner already selected?

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