Just Believe and You'll Succeed

I have a friend who I grew up with back in South Jamaica who is blind. But nothing ever seemed to stop her. She was always in the top of her classes, and now at almost 30, she’s already completed her PHD and is working at an incredible company. I always admired her tenacity and wondered how this girl did so well in school, when it was so incredibly difficult for her. Anyway, I’ll go back to Chioma (that was her name) in a few minutes, but I wanted to let you girlies know about a book that changed my life. I remember around three years ago when the book The Secret became a huge best seller, and when Oprah recommended it, that solidified all the accolades to me and I ran out to buy it. (I’m an Oprah stan big time. ) But after reading it, I was so disappointed. Everything that she’d written, I had read a long time ago by an author named Napoleon Hill in his book titled Think and Grow Rich.


This has to be one of my favorite books. The book was written back in 1937 and is the bestselling success book of all time. Mr. Hill worked with some of the most successful men of our time to find out what their secrets were (Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, Edison, etc etc) and they were all in agreement-the only way to succeed is to truly believe you will. There was never any room in their mind for doubt. And when they failed, they tried again, much harder. Mr. Hill writes a very sad story about how his son was born without ears and the Doctor’s told him that his son would never be able to do anything because of his deformity. Well Mr. Hill chose not to believe them and he spoke to his son every day, figuring out ways that his son could hear him and festered in him the drive to succeed. His son ended up becoming a huge success. He writes, “Bethoven was deaf, Milton was blind but their names will last as long as time endures, because they dreamed and translated their dreams into organized thoughts.” And another amazing quote is “Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.”

I asked Chioma recently about her upbringing and she told me that her mother always told her that just because she was blind, didn’t mean she had any excuse not to succeed. Her mom told her everyday that there was no room for failure and Chioma believed that. I take the lessons from Think and Grow Rich everywhere I go. “Our only limitations are those we set up in our mind.”

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MakeupByRenRen said...

wow amazing...i think i'll get that book for my boyfriend for his birthday...amazon here i come!

BonafideLatina~ said...

I agree with you...this book is DEF a classic...I have it on my bookshelf :)

todoni said...

This is such a great book! I will def. get it. A book that def. changed my views on life and how i perceiceit is "A New Earth" by Eckart Tolle, also recommended by Oprah! You have such a great blog, and I wish you all the best in your endeavors to become a reporter!

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