I went to get my eyebrows done at my area indian beauty spot, and when I walked towards the cashier to pay, I noticed that she had started stacking massive indian hair products, so you know DE, had to grab a whole bunch. Many of my indian friends swear by Amla Oil so I picked up a bottle and grabbed some jasmine oil as well. I'm going to use the Amla oil as a hot treatment this weekend, and let you girlies know how it is. Also, I finally got my camera so I will do my hair tonic video this week.
I have this it smells horrible and is a bit greasy. I have read it contains mineral oil, don't know if that's true. However, I really like it as a pre-poo and use it occasionally.
Never tried Amla Oil...let us know how you like it.
And yay for your new cam...can't wait to learn about your hair tonic!
I recently tried this for the first time. I also used it as a pre-poo for about 2 hours. The smell was kind of odd, but after I co-washed my hair was very soft and smooth. My ends didn't feel rough at all.
I ordered 3 bottles of this & used them all, but haven't repurchased since you turned me onto Coconut Oil! I don't mind the odd scent & I know Indian women w/ the most gorgeous hair swear by it, but I personally think I prefer Coconut Oil. . . I feel like I can see the benefits of using CO in my hair more than Amla, but I might give it another try. . .
PS i'm SOOOOOO excited about your hair tonic! I was about to give up hope! lol
i've tried this and it made my hair worse. :( i hope it works out for you though.
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