Hey Girls,
Recently, I went to get a pedicure with a girlfriend of mine and she thought it was really strange that I bring my own tools when I get my pedicure/manicure done. A few years back, I used to regularly go to a pedicure/manicure place around my house. Everything looked pretty clean and legit. I became very friendly with my pedicure girl, and she whispered to me one day right before beginning my pedicure, " The autoclave here does not work, and the owner hasn't fixed it." I was in shock. I was also incredibly scared after that. (I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.) Ever since then, I not only bring my own tools, but I also ask the people right before they do my pedicure to please wash the pedicure bin in front of me. (I did that when I was with my girlfriend and she was so embarrassed.) I've seen many pedicurist not wash the bin after someone gets out, then take another client, that's a breeding ground for fungus,and foot infections. yuke!
So I'm curious, do you bring your own pedicure/manicure tools when you get your nails done?
Are you a hypchondriac like me?
If you need tips on where to get pedicure tools, email me and I'll give you the web address where I got mine.
Lancome Color Design Taupe Craze Eyeshadow Palette
I'm really loving Lancome's new Color Design eyeshadow palette in Taupe Craze. These shadows are extremely pigmented, and are geared towards neutral lovers like myself.
When I first got into eye shadows, I had no idea where to put any of the shades. Since, that's been over ten years I've gotten better, but I really wished they had palette's like Lancome Color Design around back then. This palette gives instructions on where to put each shade, and it also provides a booklet which shows exactly how to put it, and gives a detailed picture showing how the end result should look. Also, it gives you two looks, a day and night time look. I love that. Anything that makes my life easier is always a win for me! lol.
Here are swatches of the palette. The all over base is a pretty matte satin peach. The lid shade is a beautiful tan shade with shimmer. The crease shade is a medium brown matte. The highlighter is taupe with shimmer and the liner is a dark brown with silver shimmer. I'm all over this palette, although the highlight was a bit tricky for me. I actually used it in the inner corner of my eye and liked it there.
All in all, this palette will be used heavily on nights out. I actually used it on Saturday night when I went out with hubby and he liked it. When hubby notices my makeup, that says a lot.The man never notices my makeup. His excuse, "Why should I notice your makeup, I love your natural beauty." My only qualm with this product though is it's pretty expensive. $48.00 bucks.
What are your thoughts on this palette?
When I first got into eye shadows, I had no idea where to put any of the shades. Since, that's been over ten years I've gotten better, but I really wished they had palette's like Lancome Color Design around back then. This palette gives instructions on where to put each shade, and it also provides a booklet which shows exactly how to put it, and gives a detailed picture showing how the end result should look. Also, it gives you two looks, a day and night time look. I love that. Anything that makes my life easier is always a win for me! lol.
Here are swatches of the palette. The all over base is a pretty matte satin peach. The lid shade is a beautiful tan shade with shimmer. The crease shade is a medium brown matte. The highlighter is taupe with shimmer and the liner is a dark brown with silver shimmer. I'm all over this palette, although the highlight was a bit tricky for me. I actually used it in the inner corner of my eye and liked it there.
All in all, this palette will be used heavily on nights out. I actually used it on Saturday night when I went out with hubby and he liked it. When hubby notices my makeup, that says a lot.The man never notices my makeup. His excuse, "Why should I notice your makeup, I love your natural beauty." My only qualm with this product though is it's pretty expensive. $48.00 bucks.
What are your thoughts on this palette?
Mila Kunis Oscar Beauty and Makeup!
If you haven't seen Black Swan, please go see it. You will love it!!! Anyway, Mila Kunis looked so gorgeous at the Oscars. Can you believe her and Macauley Culkin were dating for 8 years but broke up recently. He must have been eating his heart out when he saw how hot she looked last night. Anyway, here are the deets on her look created by Lancome makeup artist Tracy Levy for the Oscars.
Ø Teint Miracle Lit-from-Within Foundation
Ø Ø Blush Subtil in Sheer Amourose
Ø Color Design 5 Pan Palette in Coral Crush
Ø Ø Color Design Eye Shadow in Impress
Ø Ø Le Crayon Khôl EyeLiner in Black
Ø Ø Hypnôse Waterproof Custom Volume Mascara in Black
Ø Ø Color Fever Gloss in Blazing Pink
Ø Ø La Laque Fever Lipshine in Lucent Nude
d What were your thoughts on her look?
H Hugs,
Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush is a Win Win!
From left to right: Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in natural beauty: dollface and blushing bride
I first really got into Tarte stuff when I was pregnant. Their stuff excludes so many unnecessary irritants and harmful ingredients. Their Tarte Royalty Collection and Tarte Ten palette were probably my two faves for 2010. Anyway, let's get back to the blush. First of all I love this blush for a few reasons. It last twelve hours. Yes I said it twelve hours. It's loaded with antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E. (Hello, this stuff makes me look gorge and keeps me looking young, I'm sold!) And the whole Amazonian Clay thing is pretty spiffy too. Amazonian clay is full of nutrients, balances the skin, and reduces dryness and flakiness.I love that these blushes are so pigmented. Honestly one swoop of this product on the cheeks is all you need. The blush comes in eight colors. First of all, look at the packaging. How cute is that! Blushing Bride is a really pretty plum rose that does have a bit of shimmer but on my tan skin it gave me just the right amount of flush. I'm surprised I liked this one so much because of the shimmer, but when applied, it's not bad at all. I was also sent Natural Beauty which is a matte reddish pink, and Dollface which is straight hot pink. Here are the swatches, click to enlarge:
Left to right: Natural Beauty, Dollface and Blushing Bride
All in all I love this blush. The longevity, the crazy amount of pigment, and the anti-aging factor make this a win for me.
Go to your local Sephora and check them out!
Product provided by pr for review!
Skintervention by Scott-Vincent Borba
Hey guys how are you?
I've got a slight bug, so I've been taking it a little easy (as easy as I can take it with an 8 month old). One way I've been relaxing is getting some much needed reading done. As you girls know, one of my goals is to stay looking 21 forever. I was recently sent the book Skintervention by Scott Vincent Borba, creator of those Borba beauty drinks and skin care line, and this book will definitely help me on my quest to stay looking young. It is loaded with so much information on how to treat your skin, massive anti-aging techniques and my fave part, Do It Yourself beauty recipes. Here are some interesting facts from the book.
1) A quick fix for dark circles and puffiness is to put an ice cube on the roof of your mouth and hold it with your tongue. The cold will literally help draw down the puffiness underneath the eye area. In a few moments you'll look more refreshed, and awake.
2)The key ingredient people suffering from acne should look for is sulfur.
3) The key ingredient people who want to antiage should look for is Hyaluronic Acid.
4) He suggest adding Cayenne pepper to your diet and facials because it increases flushing of the sin, and enhances the clarity of your skin.
5) He also talks about the acai berry. ( I put that in my smoothie every morning.) It's amazing for anti-aging. It has high level of Omega 6 and Omega 9 which are great for the skin and he says some people believe it slows the aging process.
6) If you want to look younger, and get back your youthful glow, eat leafy green veggies. The best choices are spinach, radicchi, Swiss chard, romaine, butter leaf, arugula etc
Here's two of his Do It Yourself recipes for fab skin:
DIY Pore Opening Scrub
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon white or brown sugar
Mix baking soda with sugar. Leave on until you feel tingle. After that wash off. The sugar will open your pores and the baking soda will clear up skin imperfections and mattify your skin.
Under Eye Treatment
1) banana
2) Vaseline chilled in the fridge overnight.
Mash the banana and a quarter sized amount of Vaseline, apply under your eyes. Wrinkles, lines and swelling will be visibly reduced and your foundation and concealer will glide right on.
His book is loaded with these do it yourself recipes, as well as fascinating information about skin, as well as his plan for how you can get Red Carpet Ready Skin in 7 days and even how to make cocktails that are beneficial for your skin. All in all, this book was great.
You can order it here.
product provided by pr for review.
I've got a slight bug, so I've been taking it a little easy (as easy as I can take it with an 8 month old). One way I've been relaxing is getting some much needed reading done. As you girls know, one of my goals is to stay looking 21 forever. I was recently sent the book Skintervention by Scott Vincent Borba, creator of those Borba beauty drinks and skin care line, and this book will definitely help me on my quest to stay looking young. It is loaded with so much information on how to treat your skin, massive anti-aging techniques and my fave part, Do It Yourself beauty recipes. Here are some interesting facts from the book.
1) A quick fix for dark circles and puffiness is to put an ice cube on the roof of your mouth and hold it with your tongue. The cold will literally help draw down the puffiness underneath the eye area. In a few moments you'll look more refreshed, and awake.
2)The key ingredient people suffering from acne should look for is sulfur.
3) The key ingredient people who want to antiage should look for is Hyaluronic Acid.
4) He suggest adding Cayenne pepper to your diet and facials because it increases flushing of the sin, and enhances the clarity of your skin.
5) He also talks about the acai berry. ( I put that in my smoothie every morning.) It's amazing for anti-aging. It has high level of Omega 6 and Omega 9 which are great for the skin and he says some people believe it slows the aging process.
6) If you want to look younger, and get back your youthful glow, eat leafy green veggies. The best choices are spinach, radicchi, Swiss chard, romaine, butter leaf, arugula etc
Here's two of his Do It Yourself recipes for fab skin:
DIY Pore Opening Scrub
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon white or brown sugar
Mix baking soda with sugar. Leave on until you feel tingle. After that wash off. The sugar will open your pores and the baking soda will clear up skin imperfections and mattify your skin.
Under Eye Treatment
1) banana
2) Vaseline chilled in the fridge overnight.
Mash the banana and a quarter sized amount of Vaseline, apply under your eyes. Wrinkles, lines and swelling will be visibly reduced and your foundation and concealer will glide right on.
His book is loaded with these do it yourself recipes, as well as fascinating information about skin, as well as his plan for how you can get Red Carpet Ready Skin in 7 days and even how to make cocktails that are beneficial for your skin. All in all, this book was great.
You can order it here.
product provided by pr for review.
Milly's Do It Yourself Beauty Recipes
It always amazes me when I go to my country, Dominican Republic, the beauty of the women in the poorest of the villages. None of these women have money to spend on expensive masks or skin products. I remember three years ago, I was in a very poor area of the country visiting when I spotted this girl, who took my breath away. She had healthy thick black hair up to her waist, and her skin was a beautiful glowing bronze without any marks or anything. When I asked her what her beauty secrets were, she laughed at the question and said "Aceite de Coco" which means coconut oil. She also told me she used "aguacate" which means avocados on her skin. I'm a huge believer in Do It Yourself remedies for your beauty. I especially used them while I was pregnant. I'm also a huge believer that beauty does not have to cost a fortune. So here are two of my Favorite Do It Yourself Hair Conditioners. I do a lot of these, but I'm doing a youtube soon on them, so I can't reveal all of them yet.
Coconut & Honey
1) Coconut Oil-Enough said. Read here.
If you don't feel like reading, here's a quick summary, coconut oil was tested amongst other oils, and was the only oil that actually worked on hair. The others just sat on your hair and did nothing.
2) Honey-powerful humectant that is loaded with vitamins and minerals, that are so essential for shiny hair.
Mix these two together. Apply to hair and leave on for about 15 minutes. Also, massage your scalp. So important especially for hair growth.
When removing, make sure you rinse hair with water and half a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar will give you the shiniest hair ever, HOWEVER, you will stink like a straight salad. The smell goes away after a few hours. I once took the subway right after using the apple cider vinegar, lets just say, the train was packed like crazy with passengers, but strangely, the seat next to me remained empty. LOL
If you're scared of smelling like a salad then I highly suggest you mix it with an essential oil.
You can get coconut oil pretty much at any health food store. Get the unrefined one too. Lately though I've been making my own. I might do a youtube on that too.
Bananas for hair
I use organic bananas.(Usually when they are almost black. If you want to increase the speed of getting your bananas almost black stick them in a bag, they'll ripen up a lot faster.). Also, I've heard about using baby food bananas. If you're going to do that, I would only use an organic baby food like Plum Organics. Anyway, if you're going to use regular bananas, you can mash this yourself, or blend with a little bit of water, or even coconut oil, and apply and again massage your scalp with this and spread through the hair. Bananas are LOADED with vitamins and Potassium, which are great for helping you get the sexy back in your hair. I had heard about bananas and their benefits but never thought to try it until I watched Dr. Oz and he talked about how bananas are a great deep conditioner. If you want to really shine up your hair, rinse with apple cider vinegar and water.
Hope this helps.
Also, a great thing about Coconut oil is you can use it for so many things.
1) Removing eye makeup
2) Moisturizing your dry winter skin. Mix it up with an essential oil if you're not comfortable with the smell.
3) Cook with it. I make a mean coconut salmon using coconut oil.
4) Someone on twitter recently tweeted to me about using it as a mouth wash. Not sure if I'd do that, but hey, they said it's great for preventing tooth decay.
Do you want to share some of your Do it Yourself Beauty Recipes?
Have a great weekend!
Coconut & Honey
1) Coconut Oil-Enough said. Read here.
If you don't feel like reading, here's a quick summary, coconut oil was tested amongst other oils, and was the only oil that actually worked on hair. The others just sat on your hair and did nothing.
2) Honey-powerful humectant that is loaded with vitamins and minerals, that are so essential for shiny hair.
Mix these two together. Apply to hair and leave on for about 15 minutes. Also, massage your scalp. So important especially for hair growth.
When removing, make sure you rinse hair with water and half a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar will give you the shiniest hair ever, HOWEVER, you will stink like a straight salad. The smell goes away after a few hours. I once took the subway right after using the apple cider vinegar, lets just say, the train was packed like crazy with passengers, but strangely, the seat next to me remained empty. LOL
If you're scared of smelling like a salad then I highly suggest you mix it with an essential oil.
You can get coconut oil pretty much at any health food store. Get the unrefined one too. Lately though I've been making my own. I might do a youtube on that too.
Bananas for hair
I use organic bananas.(Usually when they are almost black. If you want to increase the speed of getting your bananas almost black stick them in a bag, they'll ripen up a lot faster.). Also, I've heard about using baby food bananas. If you're going to do that, I would only use an organic baby food like Plum Organics. Anyway, if you're going to use regular bananas, you can mash this yourself, or blend with a little bit of water, or even coconut oil, and apply and again massage your scalp with this and spread through the hair. Bananas are LOADED with vitamins and Potassium, which are great for helping you get the sexy back in your hair. I had heard about bananas and their benefits but never thought to try it until I watched Dr. Oz and he talked about how bananas are a great deep conditioner. If you want to really shine up your hair, rinse with apple cider vinegar and water.
Hope this helps.
Also, a great thing about Coconut oil is you can use it for so many things.
1) Removing eye makeup
2) Moisturizing your dry winter skin. Mix it up with an essential oil if you're not comfortable with the smell.
3) Cook with it. I make a mean coconut salmon using coconut oil.
4) Someone on twitter recently tweeted to me about using it as a mouth wash. Not sure if I'd do that, but hey, they said it's great for preventing tooth decay.
Do you want to share some of your Do it Yourself Beauty Recipes?
Have a great weekend!
Current Favorite Exfoliator: Kate Sommerville Exfolikate Acne Scrub
As you girls know, I've been suffering from acne because of breast feeding my lil cutie. As I told you girls before, I don't really care about the zits, because those can easily be remedied. I care more about the dark marks left behind. Those suck! Anyway, when we interviewed Esthetician Cecelia Wong she told us exfoliating was key to the marks dissapearing. For the last 5 weeks on the days I don't use my Clarisonic, I've been using Kate Sommervile Exfolikate Acne, and I do love it. This contains Salicylic Acid, and Tea Tree Oil to help with existing acne, and prevent new acne from forming, Alpha Hydroxy Acids and fruit enzymes to help with the dark marks. This is a blue scrub, that is not at all abrasive on the skin. I hate abrasive scubs. I can't deny that using this twice a week really helped my skin. I found my dark marks going away a lot faster (but honestly that could be from my persistent use of glycolics) and my skin had a really beautiful glow and this does not dry out your skin at all. My qualm with this is $65.00 is a lot of cash. But I definetly saw a difference after using it. Since they recommend using it only once or twice a week, it will last a pretty long time. I still have plenty.
What do you use to exfoliate?
Don't you hate those dark acne marks?
Product provided by pr for review
Tracy Reese Backstage: Mally Beauty & Spring Makeup Trends
I have a confession. I freaking love makeup artist Mally Roncal. Her energy is so magnetic and happy. The woman can instantly make a depressed person realize that their problems aren't that deep and life is amazing! When I found out she was doing the Tracy Reese makeup, I had to go, although my babysitter had canceled (as usual). So I had to troop all the way to Brooklyn via subway (worst experience ever, people on NY Subways aren't very sympathetic to a screaming baby) to take Lil man to my aunt's house before heading back to Manhattan but believe me seeing Mally is so worth it. Anyway, let's talk backstage beauty at Tracy Reese:
Mally wanted the girls to have a metallic healthy glow. Blush high on the cheek, blended up toward the cheekbone, marrying it with the eye. Skin was luminous fresh, dewy, every flaw covered. Lashes were curled, one coat on top, tons on bottom to open up the eye like a doll. No brows at all. She didn't shave them, she covered them with her Mally Luminous Glow giving it a high shine, high sparkle look. Deep coppery bronze eyeliner, blended with rosy taupe eyeshadow, very heavy ombre effect. Then of course, because it's Mally, she had to have a little glitter. All over the lid and on the cheekbone but just a sprinkle, not solid or packed on. The gloss was a little clear with a lit bit of pinkish, gold, bluish sparkle. Mally said the make up represented all woman, multifaceted, and hard to understand.
Although this was a Fall show, I asked Mally about Spring trends and she said this Spring it will be all about the 70's. (Haha i got my bell bottoms ready.) All about the bronzey coppery smokey eye, brows will be a little finer than usual and not as full, and for lips and cheeks, peach is the new pink.
Thanks Mally,
Lancome & Clarisonic Backstage Beauty at Chris Benz
Backstage at Chris Benz, there was a lot going on. Esthetician Eileen Harcourt of Clarisonic was prepping the models skin with the Clarisonic brush and the Clarisonic Opal. Eileen gave us tips on how to use the Clarisonic:
1) Make sure your not only cleaning your face with it, but also your neck and decolette area. So important!
2) Use the Clarisonic brush on your lips too. It really helps make the lips look younger, and smoother, especially if you're a smoker.
3)Don't just use the Opal on under under eye area. You can also use the Clarisonic Opal on your forehead and on any pesky laugh lines.
4) Also when I asked Eileen about my pesky hormonal breakouts she said using Salicylic Acid and Squalene Oil really helps.
Lancome was in charge of the makeup and this look was definitely all about the eye. Head makeup artist Daniel Martin explained that PJ Harvey was the muse for this collection. If you don't know who that is, click here. The makeup was supposed to look as if the models applied it themselves. No real defining crease color or lid color, everything melded together, almost as if she did it with her fingers. Two Palettes were used. The one with green for the blondes, and the pinkish one for the brunettes.
The cheeks were sculpted with blush Muave Coquette. (Daniel said it looks so amazing on brown skin.)
The lipsticks used were more of a stain color.The shades name Satin Toffee and Evening Lace.
Here's the finished look on a brunette:
On a blonde
What are your thoughts on this look?
1) Make sure your not only cleaning your face with it, but also your neck and decolette area. So important!
2) Use the Clarisonic brush on your lips too. It really helps make the lips look younger, and smoother, especially if you're a smoker.
3)Don't just use the Opal on under under eye area. You can also use the Clarisonic Opal on your forehead and on any pesky laugh lines.
4) Also when I asked Eileen about my pesky hormonal breakouts she said using Salicylic Acid and Squalene Oil really helps.
Lancome was in charge of the makeup and this look was definitely all about the eye. Head makeup artist Daniel Martin explained that PJ Harvey was the muse for this collection. If you don't know who that is, click here. The makeup was supposed to look as if the models applied it themselves. No real defining crease color or lid color, everything melded together, almost as if she did it with her fingers. Two Palettes were used. The one with green for the blondes, and the pinkish one for the brunettes.
The cheeks were sculpted with blush Muave Coquette. (Daniel said it looks so amazing on brown skin.)
The lipsticks used were more of a stain color.The shades name Satin Toffee and Evening Lace.
Here's the finished look on a brunette:
On a blonde
What are your thoughts on this look?
Exclusive: Kim Kardashian Grammy Awards Beauty and Makeup
Hey Loves,
Friend to the blog, and Kim Kardashians fabulous makeup artist Joyce Bonelli has sent us the deets on Kim Kardashian's makeup for the Grammys. Joyce did an amazing job. Kim looked so freaking stunning! I really loved this look. Check out the deets here:
Friend to the blog, and Kim Kardashians fabulous makeup artist Joyce Bonelli has sent us the deets on Kim Kardashian's makeup for the Grammys. Joyce did an amazing job. Kim looked so freaking stunning! I really loved this look. Check out the deets here:
On Kim I apply PerfectSkin, LaMer lifting serum, & PerfectSkin eye cream. To condition lips I used Clarks Botanicals Ultra Rich Lip Balm.
I used HD Microperfecting Primer by Make Up For Ever to prep Kim's skin. *a FAB primer with six color-correcting shades that make it wearable for every skin type and color.
For this look I used HD Invisible Cover Foundation by Make Up For Ever. *This foundation is one of my favs for red carpet looks because of the flawless definition it leaves. It leaves the skin with a soft-focus finish and withstands harsh lighting like the flash bulbs of photographers and paparazzi.
I use High Definition Liquid Concealer by SMASHBOX.
*Try blending from the outer corners in to keep concealer from settling in fine lines under the eyes for flawless coverage.
I like to set Kim"s gorgeous skin with Photo Set Finishing Powder SPF 15 by SMASHBOX. *The perfect setting powder when dealing with hot lights like the ones on red carpets and photo-shoots. This powder helps make up last all day and also has SPF to help guard the skin from harmful UV rays.
I filled Kim's brows in with Le Crayon Sourcils Precision Brow Definer, in Taupe by Chanel. *Try bending the attached brush to make for an easier angle when shaping your brows.
Because of Kim's GORGEOUS dress, I wanted to give her a stand out eye full of golds and dramatic lashes. I used three different shades of eyeshadows on Kim, Blunt, Blaze, & Chopper Eyeshadows by Urban Decay. I started by applying the Blunt shade all over the lid, then I applied the Chopper shade just above the crease. I finished off the shadow by blending the two colors together with the Blaze shade in the crease of the eyelid. Powerpoint Eye Pencil in Engraved (rich black) by MAC, is what I used to line the inside of the upper and lower lash line. Along the eyelid, close to the lash line I used Liquid Eye Liner by MAC to draw on a thick, slightly winged out line, I also applied it just under the bottom lash line. For this look I layered on individual lashes to give a dramatic look and finished them off with Hypnose DRAMA by Lancome to make them pop. Remember, to finish off the eye, I curl her lashes using Shu Uemura eyelash curler.
To give Kim's cheeks a touch of color I first applied Blush in Rose by LORAC to the apples of her cheeks. On the hollow of her cheeks I applied a touch of Bronzing Powder in Laguna by NARS to make her cheeks pop with a soft contour.
Right above the apples of Kim’s cheeks I applied Naked Pigment by M.A.C. to highlight her cheekbones.
To define Kim’s gorgeous lip shape I used Le Crayon Leveres Precision Lip Definer in Natural by Chanel. Classic Cream Lipstick in Cashmere by Dolce & GABBANA is what I used to fill in the lip. I finished her lips with FUSION BEAUTY’s Lip Fusion in Glow to give a high gloss coat with a touch of color.
Joyce Bonelli
Thanks Joyce,
Man she looked great!
Fashion Week Backstage: Richie Rich
Me and Richie of Richie Rich
In my opinion, one of the best shows to cover during Fashion Week is Richie Rich. The show is always super fun to watch, because you know it's never just an ordinary runway show. There's always an element of surprise, the show is full of theatrics, and the makeup and hair is always original. I also really like Richie of Richie Rich. Like myself, he's a dreamer, and although I still haven't made all my dreams come true, he has, and he makes it known that anyone can make their dreams come true as long as they believe. Also this year Richie opened the show up to everyone! All you had to do was pay $25 dollars and they donated all proceeds to these two charities: Dosomething.org and CookiesforKidsCancer.org.. Anyway, let's talk backstage beauty. The hair was styled by Edward Tricomi and the Warren Tricomi team. After seeing what Edward Tricomi can do to hair, I must pay him a visit. This year the show had two looks: punk and elegant. This was one of the punk hair styles.
To Get This Look: Part hair into three sections (two sides and middle). Then separate the middle section into top and bottom. Clip the top middle section up and let it sit while you start working on the sides. Part sides of hair into three sections, creating six sections in total. French braid the two face framing sections and secure with a rubber band and let it hand loose. French braid the remaining sections and twist all ends together to form a bun and secure with pins. Take the top middle section and tease it making sure to spray lots of hair spray

Now let's get to the makeup which was done by Mirabella. The looks were again elegant, and punk.
The elegant look consisted of a smokey eye, a nice bright spring cheek, skin was natural and fresh, and the lips were glossy. Brian (head makeup artist) said this was more the everyday woman.
The punk look consisted of a black eye, solid black lip, glitter everywhere and clean skin. (Clearly I loved the punk look!)
The nails were done by China Glaze and were so gorgeous! I'll update you with the colors of these once I get them.
Hey, I even made a new friend! lol
But let's get to the show itself, because it was great. I don't really review the fashions, because I'm more a beauty lover, but man this show was so much fun. There's always interesting peeps that show up, like this guy:
The show started with this dancing ballerina on the runway, then this group, called the Harlem Soul Choir performed. By this point my camera had died, so these pics are from my blackberry. Sorry if they are so grainy.These were my two favorite looks from the show:
And well this is what I meant when I said the show was a little different and full of surprises.lol
In my opinion, one of the best shows to cover during Fashion Week is Richie Rich. The show is always super fun to watch, because you know it's never just an ordinary runway show. There's always an element of surprise, the show is full of theatrics, and the makeup and hair is always original. I also really like Richie of Richie Rich. Like myself, he's a dreamer, and although I still haven't made all my dreams come true, he has, and he makes it known that anyone can make their dreams come true as long as they believe. Also this year Richie opened the show up to everyone! All you had to do was pay $25 dollars and they donated all proceeds to these two charities: Dosomething.org and CookiesforKidsCancer.org.. Anyway, let's talk backstage beauty. The hair was styled by Edward Tricomi and the Warren Tricomi team. After seeing what Edward Tricomi can do to hair, I must pay him a visit. This year the show had two looks: punk and elegant. This was one of the punk hair styles.
To Get This Look: Part hair into three sections (two sides and middle). Then separate the middle section into top and bottom. Clip the top middle section up and let it sit while you start working on the sides. Part sides of hair into three sections, creating six sections in total. French braid the two face framing sections and secure with a rubber band and let it hand loose. French braid the remaining sections and twist all ends together to form a bun and secure with pins. Take the top middle section and tease it making sure to spray lots of hair spray
Finger Waves Elegant
To Get This Look: Part hair to desired side. Apply a non-flaky gel throughout the hair from root to end and comb through. Brush hair back away from the face. Using your fingers, create waves with the side pieces of hair, spraying it with hairspray to make sure the waves stay intact and using long hair clips to hold in place. Create waves until you reach the nape of the next, about 3 inches down from the ears. Take the loose hair and twist into a flat bun and secure with pins. Do this throughout the entire head. Keep the hair clips in the hair until the gel dries, then remove. Spray with a glitter spray to finish the look.
Now let's get to the makeup which was done by Mirabella. The looks were again elegant, and punk.
The elegant look consisted of a smokey eye, a nice bright spring cheek, skin was natural and fresh, and the lips were glossy. Brian (head makeup artist) said this was more the everyday woman.
The punk look consisted of a black eye, solid black lip, glitter everywhere and clean skin. (Clearly I loved the punk look!)
The nails were done by China Glaze and were so gorgeous! I'll update you with the colors of these once I get them.
Hey, I even made a new friend! lol
But let's get to the show itself, because it was great. I don't really review the fashions, because I'm more a beauty lover, but man this show was so much fun. There's always interesting peeps that show up, like this guy:
The show started with this dancing ballerina on the runway, then this group, called the Harlem Soul Choir performed. By this point my camera had died, so these pics are from my blackberry. Sorry if they are so grainy.These were my two favorite looks from the show:
And well this is what I meant when I said the show was a little different and full of surprises.lol
Fashion Week Backstage: Urban Decay Wildfox
The look for the Wildfox show was created by Urban Decay. There was a lot going on with this look. I'm noticing a lot of bold eyes for the fall. This show definitely had the strong eyes, fresh cheek, and a nude lip going on! Glitter was in a lot of shows this season too and I def saw a lot of it here. Check out the looks created for Wildfox by Urban Decay. Click on pics to enlarge!
Here are the face charts! Notice that for both looks only one eyeshadow color was used. Love the simplicity of it.
Here's #2
I want this shirt!
Here are the face charts! Notice that for both looks only one eyeshadow color was used. Love the simplicity of it.
Here's #2
I want this shirt!
Clarisonic Auctioning off Signed Limited Edition Hope Mias
Hey guys, thought you might like this:
Excited for Awards season? During the month of February, Clarisonic is auctioning 15 wonderful, limited edition Clarisonic Hope Mia® Sonic Skin Cleansing Systems, indelibly autographed by world famous celebrities, including some of Hollywood’s biggest stars! Place your bid to win a Mia signed by Colin Firth, Ryan Gosling, Winona Ryder, Lady Gaga, Zoe Saldana and more.
Clarisonic will donate 100% of the total proceeds from the auction to Look Good…Feel Better®, a national public service program created to help individuals with cancer look good, improve their self-esteem, and thereby manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence.
Go to www.charitybuzz.com and place the winning bid that will be donated for a greater good. You have the power to take beauty into your own hands with Clarisonic and, at the same time, help empower women with cancer to look their best and regain their self-confidence as they face the challenge of a lifetime.
Valentines Day with Bill & Giuliana Rancic
Happy Valentines Day Angels. I hope that you realize Valentines Day is not just about romance, it's about celebrating Love. Whether it's the love you've got for your partner or just the love for your family and friends, it's all equally important. So enjoy the day today.
We got a chance to interview Bill and Giuliana Rancic about Valentines day, married life and their plans.
Let's talk a little to them.
We got a chance to interview Bill and Giuliana Rancic about Valentines day, married life and their plans.
Let's talk a little to them.
1) How do you keep your marriage alive?
We think it’s all about balance. Although both of us spend a huge majority of our time working and traveling, we always make sure to take time for each other. It’s as easy as looking over at your partner and just saying “Hey just checking in…is everything ok with you in terms of our relationship? Is there anything I can work on?” It’s all about having an open dialogue about everything. Communication is key.
2) What is the hardest thing about being married?
G: The hardest thing about being married is compromise! Bill is a total neat freak and I’m pretty messy. Sometimes it’s annoying being married to someone who is obsessed with cleaning and organizing!
B: Sometimes it’s annoying being married to someone who leaves her shoes all over the place! But that’s where compromise comes in. I try not to be as worried about everything being in its exact place and she tries to remember to pick up after herself.
3) What's the best thing about being married?
G: The best part about being married is the comfort of knowing that you have a life-long partner who will be there to support you through good times and bad for the rest of your life. Bill and I have been through a lot in the past year and I feel so lucky to have the support of my husband whenever I need him. The challenges we have faced have brought us so much closer together and we both feel very lucky to have each other.
4) What are 3 things you do to spice up your marriage?
- Break out of your rut! It doesn’t take an expensive 7 day cruise… Try a cool, new restaurant with a different cuisine that you’ve never tried before like Indian or Thai! Or take a jog together in a different direction than you usually go and you’ll see new things that you’ve never noticed before. It will make for good conversation later!
-On a special holiday like a birthday or Valentine’s Day, agree to send 5 texts to each other throughout the day telling your partner what you love most about them. Make it unique or specific to your loved one and have it be truly from the heart.
-Everyone loves for their partner to give them a massage so plan a night where you cook your partner dinner and dessert is a 30 minute massage using silky lotion like NIVEA Smooth Sensation which makes it easier for the person giving the massage and also, very enjoyable for the one receiving it.
5) What's Bill planning for you on Valentines Day?
B: I can’t give away my secrets! But for us, just being together in the same city is special enough. I have something planned, but there has to be some element of surprise!
6) What's Nivea offering for Valentines Day?
B: Since we’re NIVEA’s Romance Ambassadors, we’re all about giving tips that people can use this Valentine’s Day. For example, skip the spa and create a relaxing mini in-home spa treatment. You can get as elaborate as you want with this one- manicure, pedicure, facial. Giuliana always likes a massage with a long-lasting moisturizing lotion such as NIVEA Smooth Sensation with Hydra IQ technology. She stays moisturized from head to toe and I’m the hero! A little pampering like this can go a long way!
Lorac Multiplex 3D Eye shadow Palette & 1st Day of Fashion Week
Hey loves,
Yesterday was the first day of Fashion Week. Man it was crazy,especially since my babysitter tried to cancel on me last minute. After Ibegged on my hands and knees asked her nicely, she finally agreed to watch Lil Man. Wheesh that was a close one.
For the first day of Fashion Week, we had to break out the new Lorac Multiplex 3-D Eyeshadow Palette. I say "we" because my girlfriend who is an amazing MUA, was over and she did my makeup.In my opinion Lorac makes some of the best eye shadows out. They apply so smoothly "like butter" (as my girlfriend says) and are just loaded with pigment. The Mutliplex palette is no exception. Here's a pic of my palette (after it was used). Don't judge me! I forgot to take the pic before hand.
This Palette is so serious.
Here are some swatches:
Anyway, after she finished my makeup, I headed downtown to Urban Decay's Wildfox Show. I'll be reviewing that show later on today. The look was basically rockstar ode to the 60's dramatic eye, nude lips. Loved it.Here's one of the girls from the show:
After Urban Decay, I headed to the Heart Truth Red Dress Show in Lincoln Center. This is one of my favorite shows. It's all celebrities walking the runway and it benefits heart disease research (the # 1 killer of women). So many great women walked, from Taraji P Henson, Susanne Somers (who's body can rival any 20 year olds) and my favorite because she's a friend to the blog Dania Ramirez. You can read the interview we did with her here.
I'll post more in depth about the shows later on when my son goes to sleep.
Just wanted to give you a quick recap.
FYI: My crazy sequined leopard bag is from Betsey Johnson.
Lorac 3d eyeshadow palette provided by pr
Yesterday was the first day of Fashion Week. Man it was crazy,especially since my babysitter tried to cancel on me last minute. After I
For the first day of Fashion Week, we had to break out the new Lorac Multiplex 3-D Eyeshadow Palette. I say "we" because my girlfriend who is an amazing MUA, was over and she did my makeup.In my opinion Lorac makes some of the best eye shadows out. They apply so smoothly "like butter" (as my girlfriend says) and are just loaded with pigment. The Mutliplex palette is no exception. Here's a pic of my palette (after it was used). Don't judge me! I forgot to take the pic before hand.
This Palette is so serious.
Here are some swatches:
Anyway, after she finished my makeup, I headed downtown to Urban Decay's Wildfox Show. I'll be reviewing that show later on today. The look was basically rockstar ode to the 60's dramatic eye, nude lips. Loved it.Here's one of the girls from the show:
After Urban Decay, I headed to the Heart Truth Red Dress Show in Lincoln Center. This is one of my favorite shows. It's all celebrities walking the runway and it benefits heart disease research (the # 1 killer of women). So many great women walked, from Taraji P Henson, Susanne Somers (who's body can rival any 20 year olds) and my favorite because she's a friend to the blog Dania Ramirez. You can read the interview we did with her here.
I'll post more in depth about the shows later on when my son goes to sleep.
Just wanted to give you a quick recap.
FYI: My crazy sequined leopard bag is from Betsey Johnson.
Lorac 3d eyeshadow palette provided by pr
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