Take it Easy With Bath & Body Aromatherapy Sets


Bath & Body works has these little aromatherapy products that I wanted to let you know about. You readers know how much i love natural remedies. In case you don’t know, aromatherapy is basically the use of essential oils to promote your health and give you a general feeling of well-being. When I visit my favorite spa, I always get an aromatherapy massage with lavendar. There is nothing more relaxing! Recently, I’ve been going through some crazy times! Work, boyfriend issues, trying to take over the world (lol) and just overall stress have taken a huge toll on me. In addition to all of my woes, I’ve also been suffering from a terrible case of insomnia and have only been getting around two hours of sleep per night. The rest of my night is spent tossing and turning, trying to fall back to sleep while staring at my clock, dreading when the hand turns to 6:am. I’m an aromatherapy fiend, so when I heard about these Bath & Body aromatherapy roll-ons, I wanted to see if the Sound Sleep remedy could help me. So, I took a long lustrous bath, turned on some classic Sade and applied the Sound Sleep to my wrist and inhaled. I instantly smelled the familiar and calming scent of lavender, and began to feel a lot less anxious. This product also contains chamomile which gives you a better quality sleep.(My mom loves chamomile tea before bed.) All I know is the last lyric I heard of Sade’s fabulous song Cherish the Day was, ‘You won’t catch me running.” I ended up sleeping a few hours longer than I had been, and when I awoke, I felt much more refreshed and alert.

This collection includes four other roll-ons for other ailments as well.

Has anyone tried this product or has dabbled in aromatherapy?
What were your thoughts?

Bath and Body



BonafideLatina~ said...

I don't know much about Aromatherapy but I DOOO love the Lavender Pillow Mist that is sold at Bath and Body Works...it is sooo good...when i had a long day or just want to go to bed with a nice relaxed scent i spray it....it's so good!!!

Take it easy DE :)

Luxe Tips said...

I have used Eucalyptus Oil as aroma therapy to cure allergies and my daughter's cold. I put it in her bath water and on her clothes and in two days the cold was gone. Also, if I am a little stuffy or need to wake up, i put a few drops in my shower. It works. Amazing!


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