Therapy Thursday: Don't Settle When It Comes To Your Life.

Hey loves, how's your Thursday starting. You know today is Coffee day. You can get yourself a free cup in all of these places. But as for me, since I now only drink one cup a day, I think I'm good with my cup of Cafe Bustelo. Can I offer you some? How do you take it? I like mine black with 3 tablespoons of sugar. You too? Great! lol

Today let's talk about Not Settling When It Comes To Your Life.  I've seen it way too many times with so many unhappy people. People who gave up because they didn't see things happening with their dreams, and now they have settled and are miserable, stuck in dead-end jobs, wishing they had pursued their goals. In life, there will be so many people that will constantly tell you NO, there will be so many people that will  try to stop you from getting to where you belong, and deter you from following your dreams but don't listen. Find your way! You can do it. If I had listened to people, I would have settled a long time ago. I'd still be in finance, behind a desk, depressed, looking at the clock every second hoping it was  closer to 5 so I could run out.  Yea the money was great, but guess what, my mental state was horrible. Life is not about being complacent or settling.  Life is about being happy, and getting what you want out of it, and not listening to people when they say NO to you. You have one life to live, remember that! Don't give me that excuse "Well Milly, I can't do this, I've already been rejected a million times." Who cares? Rejection has happened to the most successful people millions of times, but the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people, is that successful people found a way! They never gave up. That"s the only difference.  When it comes to what you want out of life, if you truly want it believe me, your mind will find ways to get it and you will be successful. It may take time, but remember Rome wasn't built in a day.  Here's a small example of something that recently happened to me where I found a way, this is also how I try to approach every situation in life.

About 2 months ago, I found out Latina magazine was having an  insane event for their 15th anniversary. How exciting! I thought for sure I'd get an invite. I was dying to meet all of these Latinas who had made their dreams come true.  I'd been subscribed to Latina Magazine for 14 years,  but after a month and a half of waiting-no invitation came. I called the Latina offices, and I was told invites had been sent out and if I hadn't gotten one, that probably meant I wasn't invited. lol! That was pretty humbling. They told me that the event was exclusive, and that's it. I asked for a press pass, they told me that they were pretty much covered. I was dying to attend this. So I asked a few people I knew who had written articles for Latina  to please send letters on my behalf. (Yes i was that desperate to go.) But alas, all my friends tried to get me in, and they were basically told, No Way Jose. My friends kept telling me "there is no way you can get in." But I don't believe in "no way" and I damn sure don't believe in settling for a no. I realized that the only way I was going to get in, is if I helped myself.   (As my girlfriend said in the last Life Advice post, Don't Depend on People To Help You!) When I really want something if someone says no, I don't listen, I automatically think I'm asking the wrong person and I just think of ways to get in. I sat down and meditated for a while. (My best ideas come when I turn the lights off and sit alone in silence.)All of a sudden it came to me,  and I remembered the powerful resource that is twitter. I found out Latina's editor-in-chief's info, and I tweeted her asking her if she could please follow me so I could dm her. After a few days I noticed she was following me, and I reached out to her, guess what, 123, she got me in. I should have asked her from the beginning, now I owe a whole bunch of people that wrote emails on my behalf, favors. lol

When someone tells you no in life, in any situation, if you really want it,  Don't listen and find a way in.   DON'T SETTLE. I've seen so many people in life that have tried so hard, and they got so tired of being rejected that they said, "You know what, I'm just going to do something else. " But do you know these people are miserable now. They hate their lives, and they always say this "I should have kept going." Keep trying, Keep Moving Forward.  Don't listen when anyone says no to you or especially to people who try to discourage you. If you really want something, believe me It will happen, but only if you continue trying and never give up and work hard for it. You can choose to live your life happily pursuing your dreams, or you can choose to not go after your dreams, settle,  and be miserable. You have one life to live. Do you really want to live it miserably? Here's a quote for you:

Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.

Now what are you waiting for, get going making your dreams come true!!

I don't want to hear excuses. 




Unknown said...

Awesome, awesome post!!! Good for you, very impressive! I can somewhat relate as I have somewhat "settled" since I did what I was "supposed" to do in terms of my job and now I am not as happy as I probably could have been. BUT I think perhaps I NEEDED to take this route to realize that I am capable of more and also to connect with those that are important in my life now. Now since I'm older and way more confident and not so afraid of rejection I'm putting myself out there :)

Again, great post!

MakeupByRenRen said...

well done! i am truly proud of you, i think i speak for everyone when i say "you inspire me to be a better me" - love ren

Johanna Ferreira said...

I am so impressed! I heard that event was highly exclusive. I was their intern this past spring and have stayed in touch and wasn't expecting to get invited understanding this party was super exclusive. Good job! Once again I'm glad I read this post today. I'm going to keep chasing after those dreams!

Anonymous said...

Wow...what an awesome, inspirational post! I'm so inspired by your persistence and dedication.

Fashion Pie said...

Beauty Videos

BonafideLatina~ said...

Sooo proud of you!!!!! :)

Amazing post...thanks you for always motivating us

T.Davis said...

I definitely needed to hear this! Truly inspiring! Thanks!

Rozae said...

What a great post & just want I needed for a Friday afternoon!

Catherine said...

Thanks so much - I needed this post right about now!! Its hard to keep on pursuing goals sometimes and reading things like this encourages me. Congrats on finding a way to get to your event! :)

Khadine (Cosmetic Passion) said...

This is so true!...and I love the idea of assuming you asked the 'wrong person' if they tell you 'no'! I'll try to remember that the next time I feel defeated :) these inspirational posts...keep them coming!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say you are an inspirational woman. Everyone has the power within them to get what they want out of their lives. I think your post is a real eye-opener for many,including myself. Keep being you ! You rock girl :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome post! Thank you!

tmarrero05 said...

Hey Milly, I just came across your site today and I absolutely love it!! I'm a 33 yr old latina living in NYC, struggling with life choices, and reading some of your posts, has inspired me. I will definitely be checking in on a daily basis! Keep up the good work and the good advice!
Tanya Marrero

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