Random: Closet Organization for the Fall!

Growing up, mommy would often yell at me because of how disorganized I was. When I came home, I would just throw my clothes on the bed. When I needed to sleep, I would move the clothes over on the other side. I'd leave books and papers thrown everywhere.  I could never find anything. lol.    Fast forward to about six months ago, and all of a sudden I realized being disorganized was making me waste so much time and money. I could never find anything and looking for things would take me hours. So that day, I began organizing my house and papers like never before and I have found that being organized just makes life so much easier.   This week I'm trying to get my closets ready for fall and organize them a lot better. Since organization is kind of difficult for me, I didn't really know where to start. Step in Barbara Reich, an organization expert. She gave me some tips, and I'm sharing them with you Beautylogic readers-just in case you're trying to get super organized like me.

Barbara's Organizing Closet  Tips

o   Take out any clothes/shoes that you didn’t wear last year and can’t see yourself wearing this year.
o   Take out any clothes/shoes that don’t fit, are in poor condition, will never fit, and are no longer in style.  Be ruthless…
·          Maintain and move
o   Assess whether any clothing maintenance is required on winter coats and sweaters…do buttons need tightening, do the coats need to be washed or professionally cleaner, are the sweaters pilled?
o   Consider moving heavy clothing to another closet (rack in basement, another closet under bed storage)
o   Make piles to donate, discard, take to cleaners, wash
·         Group like things together
o   Put all of your spring/summer sweaters together. Fold or hang by color.
o   Do the same for pants, short sleeve tops, long sleeve tops.
o   Hang as much as possible, it’s the easiest to see what you have.
·         Put what you wear most in “Prime Real Estate”
o   That means the things you wear most should be in the place that’s most accessible and easiest to reach.
·         Make a list
o   Never buy without a plan.
o   Did you discard something that needs to be replaced (e.g., white button down that was looking gray, white cardigan)?
o   Is there something you really need?
  • Getting organized is a big commitment, but staying organized takes 10 minutes or less a day.  
  • Take the time to fold clothes properly before putting them away in your drawers or closet.
  • When you take something off  a hanger, put the hanger at the front of your closet.  That way you know where all of the empty hangers are, and you’re more like to hang clothes when you can easily find a hanger.
  • Maintain your clothes.  Note when a button needs to be sewn or when a garment needs to be cleaned.
  • When you buy new clothes, edit what you have to see if there’s anything that can be eliminated.
  • If you’ve put something on twice and decided not to wear it twice, it’s time to say goodbye.
  • The floor is not a place to store things.  Try to avoid having anything on the floor of your closet. 

Are you organized?

Do you have any organization tips?




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