I'm the Newest Member of The CVS Beauty Board & HUGE Giveaway

Hey guys, so remember the "big news!"  I'm so thrilled to announce that I can finally tell you what it is. I have now partnered with CVS Pharmacy to be a member of their Beauty Board, as their Global Beauty Expert.The Beauty Board already consist of three amazing and fabulous women Nichelle Pace, Mickey Williams, and Keiko Lynn and now me. You can watch the videos we have all done for them here.

Make sure you like the CVS Beauty Board Page.

Here are two videos I did:

What Beauty Secrets Were Passed Down To You From other generations?

 Meet Milly Almodovar

I'll be teaching you girls all about ingredients that are beneficial for you, and what you should look for in your products as well as a host of other things. woohoo!!!

Anyway, you girls know how I am, when I've got big news, I love to share. So here's what I'm giving away with CVS Pharmacy.  I really love the quality of the Salma Hayek Nuance Line so I've got a great giveaway for SEVEN OF YOU. Yes I said SEVEN of you.

Seven of you will win SEVEN of the Salma Hayek Nuance Products of your choice. Yes Seven of you will win Seven Nuance products that you like. If you win, you'll tell me the seven products you'd like to try, and we'll send them over. Here's what you have to do to win.

You must rt this

Welcome @beautylogicblog to the @cvsbeautyclub by entering her  Nuance Giveaway. 7 Peeps will each win 7 items. http://goo.gl/8qNyY

Then Just leave a comment here, telling me anything!

The Seven winners will get announced Monday December 5. 2011

So what are you waiting for ENTER to Win!!!


Unknown said...

Milly, I'm am so excited for you. Your videos rock socks!! lol Many Blessings to you as you travel forward to greater ventures. XOXO

Maria said...

Congrats! I love CVS very affordable prices & products. I enjoyed watching the videos, and learning new healthy tips. My abuelita always used to drink every morning a glass of ice cold water with lemons to clear out all impurities and cleansed the skin. Thanks for this amazing giveaway, I would love to try the products from the Nuance line.

Hanna said...

congrats Milly I've been reading your blog for a long time and you standout from the crowd. I appreciate your honest insight on products and natural easy beauty tips:) again congrats on your CVS beauty board position

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Milly...you deserve this and much more! You are role model and inspiration!

Khadine (Cosmetic Passion) said...

This is huge! Congrats! :)

Diana Bridgett said...

Congratulations Milly!!!! You deserve such an honor. It is great to see good people openly blessed. Keep up the great work. That vision board and your faith are working hand in hand.

Diana Bridgett

Nina said...

Thanks for the great giveaway and congratulations on the CVS Board Membership. Very exciting.

Lopez said...

I am new to your blog. I found out about your blog through the cvs facebook announcement. I love the tips and advise and especially love your hair! Gotta try the coconut oil for sure. Looking forward to seeing your future posts and catching up on all the ones I missed. Much success to you.

greenshushi said...

I rt your message! Congratulations on your biiiig news!! The videos are awesome!

Style, via Tia said...

So happy for you! Congrats

Withlove_l said...

Congrats! Well deserved. It was through ur blog that I found out about the buy 1 get 1 free deal cvs had when nuance was launched

Otero-Ortiz said...

Hi Milly, not sure where you want us to leave a message for the contest, so I'll leave it here. Love your blog, I've been reading it for a couple of months now and as a fellow latina love your tips.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you on your success!Cheers to many more xoxo

Sherry B. said...

Congrats to you, Milly! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Wonderful giveaway; unfortunately, I won't be entering this time (no Twitter). :(
That's OK; love you anyway! *hugs*

Ms. G said...

Congrats Milly!!

mads mom said...

I posted your tweet…thats something. :)

Beauty By Supriya said...

Congrats this huge for you, I hope to win!

Havilland said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is awesome news. You look great in the videos.

Also, thanks for offering a such a great giveaway. I RT'd the message.

@HavillandSavage - Twitter
Havilland Savage - Facebook

Miss Beauty MVP said...

Congrats! You have such amazing on camera presence! I am very happy for you!

Aisha J said...

I tweeted @ooousopretty. Congrats Milly what an amazing opportunity!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Congratulations!

CG0528 said...

So Happy for you! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...


I got accepted to graduate school. Yeah! The short story I started graduate school 3 semesters ago but realized the program I was studying was uninspiring. I took one semester off to refocus while applying to another school that has the concentration I'm interested in. I got the acceptance letter of Thanksgiving weekend. I'm thankful and blessed.

ClariZa said...

Milly! Congratulations! You are gonna rock the spot! So happy that CVS was wise enough to get you on board! You will be the jewel of the team. Shine mama shine! Continued blessings to u....

Shayla's Mommy said...

Congrats Milly!!!!
wanna enter the contest

Colleen Boudreau said...

I tweeted!! https://twitter.com/#!/collifornia/status/142013141587472386

Thanks. :)
holliister at gmail dot com

Rozae said...

Congrats and great giveaway!

The Beautynista said...

YAYYYY!!!! GO MILLY! Congrats to you. FANTASTIC!

Unknown said...

Milly!! Congrats on the CVS gig! I would love to try some Nuance products... I've heard nothing but great things about them.

Colleen at Forty Something Bride said...

Congratulations on becoming a member of the CVS Beauty Board! Thanks for this AWESOME giveaway!!!!!

My tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/30Minutes4Me/status/142060339473809408

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is amazing. I hope I can win this for my grandma who is visiting from Ecuador :)

Sean said...

My sister would love this. I always see her on your website and so I came to try and win this for her. Plus Christmas is coming up!

Mic said...

You have a great blog. I love reading about your personal experiences and I feel confident buying products you tell us about because I know I can trust your reviews are honest.
Keep blogging!

Ann said...

It's great that you write about inner beauty combined with outer beauty!
Good luck everyone!

slgkag said...

Congrats and thanks for sharing with us!!!

GFC: sandragrose
E-mail: sandragrose(at)hotmail(dot)com.
Twitter: slgkag and I tweeted!!

Good luck ladies!!!

Nikkia (Silver Lips) said...

OMG! Milly Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and your new beauty role! You look stunning and gorgeous in the videos as usual!!! ((hugs))

Larnies said...

Congrats Milly! you look so gorgeous in the videos. I'll be sure to enter to win!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Salma Hayek Nuance Products .I retweeted about your giveaway Here is the link:
I really hope I win this time.
My email: sataa.zaidi@yahoo.com

Nysalia said...

Thanks to @whatsayshe for putting me on to this great site. You ladies are gorgeous and inspiring!

brandalynfultononline.com said...

I can't say it enough...so proud! Can't wait to see what you have in store.

Renee said...

I'm so excited to see your new position! Congratulations!

MD said...

Milly, I love your common sense and optimistic approach to life. I worked over 90 hours last week and it's hard to see the bigger picture sometimes, which is why I love your Thursday posts. Keep them up! -M

Nesha said...


Deanna said...



And congrats! :)

Renee said...

That's really great - Congratulations/Felicidades! I was wondering what the big news was you wanted to share and I thought that I had somehow missed the announcement. Glad to hear it's this and I wish you luck and enjoyment with this new gig!

Cruz said...

Its amazing how you get to do what you love and have found success in it, I wish you all the best

Ryan said...

Congratulations and hope you achieve everything you wish for!

Ana said...

I've been a reader of your blog for awhile now and it is amazing to see how much you have grown.

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

Congrats :)

MoniqueHasana said...

Here is my RT:


Thanks for the giveawaty

Xochil said...

I'm @LA_Pistol and I just rt your message! Congrats and I hope I win. I love the nuance products especially the body oil.

Min K said...

mkvegas tweeted

Asra K. said...

Congrats! That's pretty awesome! I haven't had a chance to try the Nuance line, but from all that you've said I probably should!

Here's my tweet:


Maria said...

I am honestly so happy for you!

socialitedreams said...

omg, so happy for you! major congrats :D

Alexa said...


hey love your blog...and you have the same name as my mom :D

Suzanna said...

Muchas felicidades! Wish you the best, and keep striving! Love to see a Latina empower her routes, love the daily beauty, life advice I have learned a lot. XOXO

Mischo Beauty said...

So very proud of you, Milly! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Patricia Sanchez said...

I wish you all the best! Congratulations!! Couldn’t be happier for you! Hugs & Kisses!

taylo292 said...

Wow! Congratulations! Im sure this is a very exciting experience for you. I love reading your blog! You have inspired me in so many ways! Congratulations again!

The Style and Beauty Doctor said...

CONGRATULATIONS, MY LOVE!!!! SO happy for you! woo hoo!!!

Liese said...

Congrats! I love your vids and can't wait for more!

BonafideLatina~ said...

So proud of you!!!! :)
Wishing you the best in this endeavor!

Anonymous said...


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