Choose to be Happy!

Beauty Post coming later today or early tomorrow on Tarte's new Lipsurgence Lip Luster Oh MY God! Love! But this post is inspired by a brave young lady who wrote me yesterday. I think you are so absolutely wonderful,and so amazing.   Please know you're not alone, and this too shall pass.

It's a fact of life that one time or another, you'll be depressed or sad. It happens to all of us. It happens to me too. I'm not always a bundle of laughs although I try to be! So don't ever think you're alone. After giving birth to Lil man, for around 2 months,  I was hit with a depression that knocked me off of my feet. It felt lonely. I was miserable.  I felt so sad often. I now realize that it was probably post partum depression, but man, did it really hurt.

I'd like to share with you some ways that you can beat sadness.When I'm going through a real rough patch, I tend to do these things:

1) Go for a run. It's a proven fact that running will help improve your mood. Even if you don't like to run, take a walk outside, you will feel better after.

2) I write down what's going on with my life.What's the problem?Why are things the way they are? I always keep those letters. Many times later on,  I've looked  at them and actually laughed, because I couldn't believe I was so upset about what now seems like a small problem.

3) I do something nice for others. I love helping other people. Studies also show that people are a lot happier when they do something nice for others. Volunteer, maybe at a soup kitchen.I remember once I was feeling really down about getting rejected for something, and went to volunteer at a soup kitchen. It was the best decision I could have made. Not only was I able to help people, but I also, met some people who had some real difficult life circumstances, like one guy who had recently lost his wife and his home, but he was all smiles. He told me that he was focusing on what was good in his life, and that he was CHOOSING to be happy, rather than feel bad for himself. How could I even think about being depressed over my small issues,when this guy had some serious issues, and was smiling.

4) I treat myself. Man, sometimes getting yourself a manicure and pedicure is one of the best things you can do for yourself. And a massage. I recently got one of the best massages ever at some random place. It was like 10 minutes for 10 dollars. HOLY Crap,this woman did something major to my back. If you live in NYC,and want to know the place, email me. I felt like a million bucks afterwards.

5) I talk to someone. If you have one person that you share all your secrets with, then make sure you reach out to them. Sometimes a good friend will make you realize that your problems and life are not that serious. And honestly if you're feeling down and you feel like you have no friends, then write me a letter. I do get a lot of email. I just discovered a lot of emails in my spam folder that I'd never seen, but I will get back to you eventually. And if you really need someone right away then tweet me. I tend to respond to tweets a lot faster.

6) I sometimes read this book when I feel down.  It's called The Four Agreements.
It's helped me through a lot. 

7) Realize that you are a gift, life is precious, and in a few months, this nightmare whatever you are going through will be over, and life will go on and you will be happy again so SMILE. Yes,  I know the last thing you feel like doing is smiling, but smiling is so good for you, and studies have shown that smiling actually helps improve your mood!

 8) Write down the great things about yourself.What are your talents? Are you a great artist?Are you a great talker? Do you have an amazing way with people! Write it down. Learn to value yourself. It's so sad that many people seek validation from others. The only person that should be validating you is YOU!

9) Go see a comedy. The weekend the movie The Hangover came out, I was so depressed about God Knows what. (See, I can't even remember what it was I was so upset over!). My girlfriend took me to see The Hangover, and I left that theater feeling so happy. It really helped me.

10)If you're sad because you're thinking maybe your dreams haven't come true, I"m here to tell you, it's never too late to be who you could have been! If you want something bad enough, it will happen. Believe me!

Remember that what doesn't kill you,makes you stronger. You are amazing. Your life is precious,and there is a point and purpose to your life!! Believe me!

What are some ways you combat sadness?

What helped you?

Would you like to share your story?




melkel said...

Thank you for this. All too often, depression is seen as some sort of personal failure. It's a totally normal response to the curveballs life throws at you. The trick is not let it hold you. You are totally right about helping people. I volunteer and when I have a project it ALWAYS cheers me up.

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